C.R.E.A.M 1

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Cash rules everything around me (C.R.E.A.M) get the money. Dolla dolla bill, ya'll....

December 28th

Nah, bruh. If he get a cut so do I."
Slim rolled his eyes as the man placed his demand.

I hate doing business with these niggas. Unc was better than me cause they coulda stayed they asses in D.C. and kept that weak ass 'white girl' down there. Not only was my uncle cuttin' these mothafuckas a break, the shit ain't even that good. I don't know what kind of welfare, payment plan my uncle was operatin' but that shit stops wit me.

He thought as he stared at the two men. Slim leaned on the long table that separated him and his business partners, contemplating if he should further negotiate or put bullets in their heads. Then, no one could complain about not getting paid for things they don't deserve. He really didn't want to kill anyone today.

"Nigga You got the audacity to tell me what you should get...when you ain't even provide the usual full supply of merchandise? The fuck? Naw, ya'll split what I give you. You'll be good. You want mo' money? You tell yo' fuckin' daddy to gimme all my shit.  and it betta be good." He said sternly.

December 31st

"So you not talkin' to me now?" Slim chuckled as he trailed behind Y/n while she moved about her kitchen. He expected her to feel some type of way about him not making it back to spend Christmas day with her but the silent treatment was childish and he'd let it go on for too long. They were less than 8 hours away from the new year and he'd be damned if it started with her being angry with him.

He couldn't come home until he'd tied up a few loose ends in his hood. The sooner he resolved those issues, the sooner he could focus on whoever was putting in effort to intimidate him and threaten his loved ones.

He didn't have any plans on shedding blood during the holiest of holidays but when D.C. called him with information on the bold soul that showed up on his mother's doorstep, he couldn't resist. He'd also managed to squeeze a few more sales in before he made it back to Downer's Grove. The money flow didn't stop, no matter where he was.

He took a seat at the kitchen table and watched her as she prepared the blondie brownies she was going to take to Big Moe's New Year's kickback. Slim told her she didn't have to since they wouldn't be there long but she insisted– once she discovered that those were Moe's favorite treat. It was clear that he didn't like her much so Y/n was trying to get on his good side.


Y/n scoffed and continued pouring her batter into the baking pan. Slim rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Y/n." He warned. She sighed and wiped her hands on a towel before lazily switching towards him to showcase her level of irritation. Woody smacked his lips and pulled her down on his lap.

"Why you actin' like that? I said I was sorry. I had business to take care of."
Her pout was so cute to him but he wouldn't dare laugh. At least she was wearing the necklace he got her for Christmas. She couldn't have been too mad for her to accept that and the other gifts he bought to try to make up for his absence.

"You always got business to take care of." She mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. This was technically only the second time Slim had left her hanging but she was more upset that they'd missed out on spending their first big holiday together.

Slim chuckled and shook his head, pulling her body closer into his to kiss her cheek. Y/n whined and pushed away only for Slim to grab her hands and pepper her face with kisses.

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