Cell Therapy

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October 31st, 2018

"It's Halloween, hoooe!...and I gotta go to work. Fuck this." Dylan rolled his eyes and adjusted his vest. He'd taken a job working at the airport so he could utilize his free flying perks to travel since he'd been flying back and forth, working on designs for New York Fashion Week 2019. Dylan's career was taking off and although they were living together now, Y/n wouldn't have been mad if he had to move to New York permanently. She saw her self living there eventually.

It seems like since she'd gained more independence in every area of her lif, things were looking up for her. She was absolutely in love with her job, and her fondness for Tremaine was a close second.

"That's gon' be boring as hell. Who's traveling on Halloween?"

"Right?! And I'm working til 6am. Dispárame ahora." He huffed, making a gun out of his first and middle  fingers then putting them to his head.

"Oh don't be like that. Remember why you have this job....to be a famous designer and go to fashion shows...and take your best friend with you." She mumbled the last part, keeping her eyes on her phone.

"Well duuuuh." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"Be safe. You know these disrespectful kids out here are egging people's doors. Whoop their asses if they do ours. Love you, niña." He said. He blew a kiss to her before grabbing his bag and hurrying out the door, late as usual.

It was 9:00pm and there weren't too many trick or treaters out considering it was a Wednesday and kids were most likely in bed. The area they lived in was a quiet one. Much more diverse than the middle class suburb Y/n was used to. She liked it that way but she would often worry about the location being a little closer to the city than she liked. The last thing she wanted to do was give Slim's enemies easier access to her but it didn't seem to matter being that they knew everywhere she was anyway.  They were still watching her and her family but it looked like that's all they were doing.

Slim's boys were still on the lookout too. To pacify Y/n's aunt, Moe had even installed cameras over her apartment door to ensure extra safety since they couldn't keep tabs on her 24/7 anymore. Slim had given them strict orders to move as much product as they possibly could because he had a plan when he got out. There couldn't be too much extra fluff if it was going to be executed properly. He was going after E himself and he needed things in order in case the end result wasn't what he expected.

For the most part, she felt protected, especially with Zig at their place so much. He and Dylan had a thing going on and Y/n was all for it. It was about time Dylan found himself something good. She would've protested her best friend dating a drug dealer but who was she to talk? If anything, Zig was his only option at the moment. Dylan was associated with Y/n which put him at risk. To bring some outsider into their mess would've been selfish. Zig knew what it was and he liked Dylan all the same.

Y/n sat on the couch, in her pajamas, watching the horror movie marathon she enjoyed every year. The movies weren't so much scary as they were comical, now that she was an adult but she still watched to take in the nostalgia of her childhood.  Even though she knew the monsters were fake, that didn't stop her from jumping when the knock on her door coincided with the knock on the door in the movie.

"So childish, Y/n." She mumbled to herself as she flung her throw blanket off her and got off the couch, retrieving the bowl of sparse candy from the coffee table and walking to the door.

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