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Parker's pov

     "I need to tell you...fuck it," Tyler said walking up to me. Then he kissed me.

     At first I was shocked and didn't know what to do. Then I just kissed back. After a minute he pulled back and looked at me.

     "Sorry I just really needed to tell you that I like you and I thought what better way to tell you than kissing you and-" that's when I cut him off. By kissing him. It was his turn to be shocked now. Then he kissed back. After a minute we both pulled away.

     "Sorry. That was the only way I could shut you up without hurting you," I said. He chuckled. "Anyway. It's fine. If it's not too obvious I like you, too. The other night when we went and got my stuff. I don't know if it was just me but I thought we were going to kiss then," I said blushing a bit. I looked at him and he was dark red.

     "No I did, too" he said. I smiled. "How is your arm?" He asked.

     "Not to bad," I said rolling my shoulder. Then I gripped it. "Nevermind.." I said. He chuckled.

     "I guess we should get going. We are about half way there," he said.

     "Where is it exactly," I asked.

     "It's a city kinda like that one close to where you live. Panamá City I think," he said shrugging. I nodded.

     "Oh I know where that is! Thats about 40 minutes away from where I used to go with my family!" I said. He smiled. "I'm glad I grabbed my swimsuit!" I said excitedly. Tyler blushed.

      "If you don't mind me asking. How does your arm not short circuit when you take a shower or go in the water?" He asked.

      "Waterproof," I replied. He nodded. I stood up and grabbed the empty trash bag putting my dirty clothes in it and then in my trunk. I closed it up and looked at Tyler. "Ready to go!" I said letting Cas on my arm. He nodded grabbing his duffle bag and phone. I picked up my pack and put it on my good shoulder.

     After I returned the key we walked outside and saw a McDonald's next door. Tyler's stomach growled and I giggled.

     "Hungry?" I asked. He chuckled and nodded. We hopped in the truck and drove through the drive through. I got two biscuits, a plain and one with bacon, and tyler got the big breakfast (its like eggs and pancakes and stuff). We drove to the rest stop and ate sitting on the back of the truck. I ate my biscuits and looked at Tyler's pancakes. When he wasn't paying attention I grabbed a piece of it and dipped it in the syrup. He looked back and I had already eaten it.

     "What happened to my...pancakes," he said looking at me.

      "You ate it," I said lying. He looked confused then went back to eating. After a couple of minutes he decided to check on the animals in the trailer. I took half of one of the pancakes and put my bacon it it making a breakfast taco. I was halfway done eating it when he walked back.

"I knew I didn't eat that bite of pancake," he said. I smiled and finished it up. He chuckled and sat back down. I laid back and grabbed my pack off my back. I took out the infection medicine and took one of the pills. I decided to wait on the pain killer. He finished up the rest of his food and looked at me. "Ready to get back on the road?" He asked. I nodded. We got in and I let Cas have the last bite of my bacon. I drank some of the large Coke I got knowing that it would last me the rest of the ride. "Why don't you get ice in your drink?" He asked.

"It waters the soda down. Plus you get less because there is less space for soda. When you get ice in a large drink, the amount of soda alone hardly fills a medium cup. But with no ice it's 32 of pure soda," I explained. He nodded. He started driving again. I got my phone out and texted Kassie.

P: "hey hey Kas. Hey!"

K: "hey this is Nogla Kassie is driving right now so I am texting for her,"

P: "oh okay. I guess it's fine since she probably told you everything,"

K: "she says yeah good point. And she did,"

P: "okay well tell her Tyler bumped me. And it's nothing bad. Trust me she knows what it means"

K: "she is squealing"

I laughed. Tyler looked over quickly and smiled.

"What's got you laughing?" He said. I smiled.

"Talking to Kassie. And Nogla." I said. He nodded.

    I dosed off after a while and woke up to Tyler yelling.

    "WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THIS TRAFFIC?!?" He shouted. I almost hit my head on the ceiling. "Oh sorry Park," he said rubbing the back of his head. I looked around.

     "I know where we are...Montgomery..." I said scrunching my face at the name. He looked at me.

     "What's so bad about this place?" He asked.

      "THEY ALWAYS HAVE FUCKING CONSTRUCTION GOING!" I yelled. He chuckled. "My family came down this way to go to Florida for 17 years. And every year they hadn't finished CONSTRUCTION!" I said angrily. He chuckled.

"Okay how about we do something to pass the time?" He asked. I nodded.

"How about alphabet improv?" I asked. He looked at me confused. "Okay so I start with the letter 'A'. That means I have to start my sentence with that letter. Then you get 'B' and it goes on like that. And we could make this a little interesting," I said with a small smirk on my face.

"Okay how so?" He asked smiling.

"If I win you have to do a strip show for everyone," I said looking at him. He blushed.

"At the circus tent? What if I win?" He said. I giggled.

"No. I used to work down here too. Just when I needed a break from everything around home. And if you win. Well let's see...oh I know. I'll do the same. Or if you want just for you," I said with a wink. His face went blood red.

"Okay let's start!" He said confidently.

(To make this easier on me and to read I am going to use the text format. They aren't texting though)

P: "Awful traffic we're in"

T: "But it may get better"

P: "Cupcakes sound really good right now."

T: "Don't they?!"

P: "Even though you just ate?"

T: "Frankly I don't give a shit,"

P: "Good for you,"

T: "Hammocks are really comfortable,"

P: "I know!"

T: "Just amazing things!"

P: "Kiss me,"

He was a little shocked at first then he smirked.

T:"Love to,"

He kissed me for a second and I kissed back. Then he pulled back.

P: "Man that was great,"

T: "Yeah..."

I smiled then he covered his mouth.

"I win!!" I yelled excitedly. He leaned back.

"FUUUUCK!" He yelled. I laughed.

"Don't worry. I'll help you learn," I said. He blushed. I giggled. I got out my phone.

(Now it's texting)

P: "You all are in for a surprise!"

I sent that to the group chat. A few people texted back.


K: "nice"

Moo: "Cool. Brian says cool as well."

I smiled. Tyler was hitting his head on the steering wheel.

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