Party Time

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Parker's pov

We planned out all the details for tonight then we all left to get ready. I had to take another shower because of the heat and sweating. After that I put on one of my nicer flannel shirts, some blue jeans, and my nice boots. Tyler decided to wear a casual shirt and jeans as well. We hopped on my bike after I texted Luke Papá's address. We quickly got over to his house and parked next to a large truck.

"Wow there are a lot of cars here," Tyler said looking around. I saw his hands start to fidget and I grabbed one of them. He smiled as I led him to the door. I knocked and the door almost immediately opened. It was Angela.

"How many states AM I going to see you in?" She said with a laugh. I hugged her and smiled.

"Angela who is at the door?" A familiar male voice said. I perked up and jumped on him as soon as he walked to the door.

"GENJI!!!!" I yelled excitedly. He laughed and held me up.

"How is my favorite little sister?" He said laughing still.

"Good and I'm your only little sister," I said smiling. Tyler chuckled.

"So this is the Tyler I have heard so much about," Papá said walking up to us. I blushed.

"I hope it was all good things Sir," Tyler said nervously.

"She told you about the shotguns right?" Papá questioned. Tyler nodded.

"Quit being so hard on the boy Gabe," another voice said.

"Uncle Jack!" I said hugging him. He chuckled and hugged me back. "I'm glad you two are talking again," I said smiling. They both blushed.

"Liebelein!" (German for sweetheart) A loud voice said as I was picked up. I laughed.

"Opa!" (Grandpa) I said looking at Reinhardt. He laughed and smiled as he sat me down.

"You have grown so much!" He said excitedly. I smiled.

"She sure has," a female voice said. I turned around to see Ana. I hugged her and smiled.

"How are you?" I asked smiling.

"Very well thank you," she said. I looked around as I saw Ana's daughter, Fareeha. She waved at me while she was talking to Angela.

"PARKER!!!!" A British sounding female voice said before I was talked to the ground.

"Lena!!" I said laughing. I heard laughter around us and smiled. She got up and help me up.

"Sorry I was just really excited!" She said laughed. A girl walked up to her. "Oh! Amelie this is Parker. She is Reyes' daughter," she explained. Amelie nodded.

"It is a pleasure to meet you," she said with a French accent.

"Same here. Are you and Lena friends or..." I said smiling. Lena turned bright red. Amelie chuckled.

"I'm her girlfriend," she said. I nodded and smiled. We heard another knock at the door. I smirked knowing who it was.

"I've got it Papá!" I said. Jesse and Hanzo walked out of the kitchen and I winked at them. Jesse nodded.

"Park go get some food. I've got it," he said walking to the door. I walked into the kitchen and walked back into the living room with a plate of food.

"J-Jesse?!" I heard Jon say. I smirked as I walked over to Tyler.

"Let the fun begin," I said with an evil grin. He chuckled.

"Hey Jonny! And hello darlin," he said as he hugged Luke. Hanzo walked up and smirked.

"Luke good to see you again," he said kissing his cheek. Luke went bright red and I almost spat out my drink. Tyler almost choked. Jon walked over to my dad and said hello. Those two alway did get along. It was there love of bad jokes that they bonded over. I walked over to my uncle Jack and looked around.

"So where are Jamison and Mako?" I asked curiously.

"Outside at the bar-b-que," he said looking at Papá. My eyes went wide.

"You let Jamison, the one in the group who was almost always on fire, NEAR THE BARBQUE?!" I said. He nodded. I ran outside and saw him about to pour lighter fluid, without the cap, into the grill. "JAMISON DONT YOU DARE," I said grabbing the bottle after he had poured the first bit. Flames hit my metal arm as I moved the bottle away.

"Park! You're no fun! Wait your arm!" He said concerned. My shirt sleeve had a small flame on it. I patted it out and frowned.

"I'm fine," I said rolling up my sleeves, "Got a fake recently." He looked at it carefully. He sighed in relief.

-two hours later-

I sat down on the couch with Tyler watching Jon get insanely jealous. It was hilarious watching him getting like that and Luke being so flustered. Jesse and Hanzo were all over him. They were either flirting with him or talking casually while subtlety teasing him. Jon was sitting on the couch pouting next to us.

"I can't believe Luke is ignoring me!" He said frowning. I chuckled.

"Well he technically isn't ignoring you. I mean they did invite him as a date. And you came to catch up with my family right?" I said. He nodded and frowned.

"Still. I don't like it," he complained, "They are just all over him! Flirting and teasing him!" This time it was Tyler who chuckled. I smiled and looked around. Everyone was having a great time. Ana walked out of the kitchen with some cups in her hands.

"Here you go," she said handing me a cup. I smiled excitedly. It was her special hot cocoa she used to make us when I was younger.

"Thank you Ana," I said taking a sip. It was perfect. She gave Tyler and Jon each a cup as well. They smiled and thanked her drinking it.

"This is amazing!" Tyler said. Jon nodded.

"That is basically her way of saying welcome to the family," I said smiling. I drank some more of my cocoa. I looked over at the guys and saw them walking upstairs. They each had an empty cup with them as they yawned. I took another sip and saw Lena and Amelie curled up in a chair together. I smiled and got up yawning a tiny bit. Jamie, Mei, and Mako had fallen asleep outside in the grass on some sleeping bags. I chuckled and walked back inside. Papá was in the kitchen with a sleepy Jack leaning on his shoulder. I walked up to him and he smiled.

"We are heading to bed. Goodnight Mija," he said kissing my forehead. I smiled and said goodnight to them. Jon had fallen asleep on the couch. I chuckled and carried him upstairs to Jesse's old room. Jesse was still a little bit awake when I walked in. He chuckled and smiled.

"Put him next to Luke. God they are all adorable," he said smiling. I chuckled quietly and and laid down Jon. His arms almost immediately went around Luke. I smiled and took a picture with my phone. I walked out of the room after saying goodnight to Jesse and walked back down stairs. The only ones still awake were Opa, Ana, and Genji, who was currently carrying a sleeping Angela upstairs to the guest bedroom. I sat down next to Tyler on the couch and snuggled up next to him. I felt him wrap his arms around me and I dosed off.

Reinhardt pov

"Why is everyone so tired?" I asked Ana as we walked over to where Parker and her boyfriend were.

"My cocoa. And no I didn't drug them. It's warm milk, chocolate, and sugar. Who wouldn't be tired after drinking that," she said with a chuckled. I laughed quietly and picked up the last two sleeping kids. I carried them both up to Parker's old room and sat them down on her bed. I kissed her forehead before I covered them up and walked out of the room.

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