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Parker Pov.

"Hey you guys are back!!!" I heard and jumped back tripping and falling. I looked over to see Delirious laughing and Cartoonz next to him.

"Blue you okay?" Toonz asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little jumpy I guess. And I tripped. You okay Cas?" I asked looking at the snake on my arm. He stuck his tongue out. I smiled. "Jonathan you are worse then Sherlock about popping out of nowhere!" I grumbled standing up dusting off. Del rubbed the back of his neck. I sighed. I looked at Tyler who was a flustered mess. I chuckled and walked inside.

"Wildcat you coming inside?" Toonz shouted. He nodded walking in after us. I smiled and sat down on the bench. "HOLY SHIT BLUE THERE IS A SNAKE ON YOUR ARM!" He yelled standing up. I laughed.

"Calm down! This is Castiel. My snake," I said with a laugh. Delirious chuckled.

"What kind of snake is he?" He asked.

"A rattlesnake. You see I found him outside of my apartment when he was really little. He was pretty banged up. I took him to the vet and he said that the glands that made his venom we so damaged that they wouldn't work anymore. Even after he healed he wouldn't be able to live in the wild so I took him in. It was a good thing too because I couldn't have a guard dog. So if some broke in or got too frisky Cas helps me out. They think he is dangerous and run," I explained. They nodded. "When really he is just a big softy. In fact once he snuck into my friends' apartment and got into my God daughter's crib. It was adorable," I said with a giggle.

"Hey Park! How are the boys and Mrs. Hudson?" Kassie asked walking up to us.

"Well you know how Mrs. Hudson is. She sent something for you," I said taking one of the flasks out of my bag. I tossed it to her. "Her specialty and your favorite."

"She is the best," she said taking a small swig.

"The guys are engaged," I said. "And Rosie is as cute as ever."

"THEY ARE ENGAGED. OH MY GOD I AM CALLING JOHN!" She said walking off. I laughed. I took my flask out and took a small drink.

//hours later//

It was a little after 2 am. I swear the only time I actually sleep is when I get drunk. I was wandering around when I finally just sat down somewhere. I yawned a little. I leaned back on a board and felt myself dose off.

A couple of minutes I felt my body being picked up. I opened my eyes slightly to make sure Cas stayed quiet. As we moved I felt who ever was carrying me go to look at me. I closed my eyes quickly to make sure they didn't know I was awake. I opened my eyes to see that we were in the parking lot heading towards a familiar car. I felt myself relax and closed my eyes again. A voice chuckled quietly. I knew who it was. It was Brian. I felt myself smile. Gods he was such a sweetheart. Mrs. Hudson would love him. I felt my body being put down and the door shut. He opened his door and sat down grabbing the same blanket out of the back. He put it on top of me and I smiled. I felt Cas move from my arm to my hoodie pocket. I stared out the window at the few stars in the sky. I lost track of time. I turned over and saw that Brian had fallen asleep. I smiled a little and looked at the words I had written on my arm.

{The dragon's fiery breath is just shielding his kind heart.}

    I smiled even more and looked at Brian who was sleeping peacefully. Those words were definitely true. I looked around then I realized no one else is even awake. I leaned over and kissed Brian's cheek. He stirred a bit and I jumped back over to my seat acting like I was asleep. Then I actually fell asleep.

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