A Bet's a Bet

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Parker's Pov

Tyler had recovered fine and was able to do the show, the circus, the next night. We had lots of fun doing it and his practice sessions.

The day had finally come. Tyler had to do his show today. I was excited and texted everyone the address. Tyler and I got there early so he could do his routine once again with Mac. After his practice run I put my plain t-shirt and shorts on and walked out on the stage. Everyone was here. I smiled.

"Welcome to the Pink Lady club everyone. Now let me explain why you are here," I said as I walked around the pole unknowingly. "Tyler and I made a bet on our way down here." I grabbed onto the pole and pulled myself up on it. I did my walk the air move. "The loser had to do a strip and or pole dance for everyone and unfortunately....for Tyler he lost. So now please welcome him to the stage. Wildcat everyone!" I hopped down from the stage and sat down in the front row. Everyone looked at me either in shock or amusement. The lights dimmed and music started playing.

It was the song "Zipper" by Jason Derulo. Tyler walked out in a normal t-shirt and sweats. He made eye contact with me and I blushed. Halfway through the song he had his shirt off showing his muscles and grinding against the floor. And he was doing pretty well. (Imagine Mike's dance in Magic Mike but with this song). By the end of it I was a flustered mess. Because he was only in his boxers. And oh my...there was a bulge. I looked at everyone to see there reaction. Brian and Evan started clapping and soon the others joined in. Craig and Jon were just as flustered as me. I smiled and looked up at Tyler. He winked at me and I blushed. I heard Kassie snort.

"What?" I asked blushing even more.

"You have a nose bleed," she said. I touched my hand to my nose and this was true. I did indeed have a nose bleed. Someone handed me a tissue. It was Mac. I looked up at him.

"You taught him well," I said. He nodded and chuckled.

     "He was a fast learner," Mac said. I smiled. Tyler walked out a few minutes later.

"Well what did you think," he said with a smirk. I blushed.

"I'm so glad I won that bet," I said looking up at him. His face went completely red. Mac chuckled.

"Second time I've seen you make someone go from very smug to flustered," he said. I laughed.

"Gods I'm going to miss you and Alex, Mac." We leave tomorrow," I said. He nodded.

"Where is the next stop?" Mac asked. I looked at Tyler.

"Houston, Texas," he said. I smiled.

"That's where Jesse lives!" I said excitedly. Tyler chuckled.

"You know someone in every state don't you," he said.

"Different countries even," she said with a smirk on her face. He laughed.

"Alright everyone! Let's get to the tent and finish up taking it down," Evan said from across the room. I said goodbye to Mac and Alex. They both gave me a hug.

"Take better care of yourself kid," he said. I nodded.

We all left and drove over to the lot. The tent was already down all we had to do was move all the supplies into the trailers. It took us a couple of hours.

"Anyone hungry?" Luke asked. Tyler and I nodded and so did a few of the others.

"I know a good place. It's a little far but the food is really good," I said. We all agreed to go to the restaurant I was talking about. I drove Tyler, Luke, and I in his truck. We invited Jon to ride with us but Evan offered him a ride.

"I'm guessing you haven't had much luck with Jon?" I said. Luke chuckled then nodded. "Well if it makes you feel better when we get to Houston, Jesse will probably be all over you," I said with a laugh.

"Who's that?" Tyler asked.

"One of my brothers," I said. He looked at me.

"I thought you only had one?" He said. I stared ahead.

"Well he isn't really my brother. You see when my parents...passed my brother joined this group of people. It was like a world wide military group. It was only about 30 people I think but everyone was skilled at what they did. Like Angela. She was one of the doctors on the team. The only one for a while. Back to what I was saying before. My brother was put into the second squad with Jesse and later on my other sibling Genji. The squad leader Gabriel basically adopted all of us. Even me who wasn't even on the squad. They are my family. The whole group," I said. I smiled a little and realized I had been running on autopilot. "Sorry rambling again."

"It's fine," Luke chuckled. Tyler nodded.

"I'm really glad I get to see them again. That's one of the main reasons I joined this circus. To see my family again. And I won't get to see all of them. Genji and his actual brother are back in Japan," I explained as we pulled into the parking lot.

       It was a small steakhouse by the marina.

-a couple of hours later-

     After we dropped Luke back off at the lot, we drove back to our hotel. The food was so good and I was very full and tired. I was half asleep when we pulled into the hotel's parking lot.

     "Parker?" Tyler said. He got out and walked over to my side of the truck and opened my door. I closed my eyes and soon enough he was carrying me inside. I snuggled into his chest and smiled. I opened my eyes and saw him blushing. I smiled as he carried me to our room. When we got up there he woke me up so I could change. I was so tired I didn't even care about if he saw anything. I just put on some shorts and left my bra on and climbed into bed. Tyler's face was flushed and he looked at me as he laid down. I snuggled up to him and realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. I blushed a little and fell asleep again.

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