Chapter 2 - Boys!

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Chapter 2 – Boys!

I left Nathan’s house just before five and walked around the corner to George’s house. Nathan had told me to go back to his house later after I was done to spend the night like old times, which I had happily agreed to.

I walked down George’s drive before ringing the doorbell, it took him a few minutes to answer the door and when he did he was wearing nothing but a pair of grey joggers, I tried not to stare but it was quite hard when his chest was bare.

“Mags come in” he said pulling my arm so I stepped into his house, he gave me a brief hug before leading me to the lounge where he left me alone as he finished getting ready.

I switched the TV on flicking through the channels until I found something remotely interesting and half watched it, half let my mind wonder off. George didn’t return for twenty minutes and when he did he was stuffing his face with a sausage roll, he didn’t even say anything when he sat down next to me. Instead he just threw his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest as crumbs flew everywhere.

“George I-“ But I got cut off by his phone ringing, he held up his hand as he fished around for it, when he did his eyes went slightly wide as he looked at the caller ID, he ran out of the room before answering it obviously not wanting me to know who it was or what they were going to talk about. I liked George I really did, but sometimes I felt we were both on different wavelengths; he always seemed to put his needs first and I wasn’t sure I liked that about him.

I did like however the fact he was so sweet and charming, his smile was amazing and I loved spending time with him when he thought about me as well. After being on the phone with whoever it was for a while he still hadn’t returned so I decided to try and eavesdrop on what he was saying.

I crept out the room and hid behind the kitchen door putting my ear against it as I tried to listen, which wasn’t as easy as it sounded because the doors were pretty thick.

“Babe I know, I miss you too” I managed to somehow hear although it was slightly muffled, my eyebrows furrowed as I carried on listening; he was obviously talking to a girl, but he wouldn’t cheat on me would he? We’d been going out for a while now so I would have been able to tell if something was going on, I’m sure of it. It could be his mum? She’d been away for a while but I couldn’t imagine him calling her babe.

“Look I’ll meet you tomorrow at Angel’s café at three, I’ve got to go now” He said and I quickly scurried back to the sofa and pretended like I’d been there the whole time. Whoever it was he was going to meet them tomorrow, and I knew exactly when and where. I hated being the suspicious girlfriend but I couldn’t help but want to know who it is he’s talking too, and I was going to find out tomorrow one way or another.

“Sorry about that, my boss needed to talk to me” He lied but stood their acting innocent like nothing had happened, I went along with it and told him it was okay. Why hadn’t I seen this behaviour from him before? I had so many questions and so little answers but I curled up next to him and watched TV as I would normally do.

An hour and a half later George had fallen asleep and I’d become majorly bored, I decided to leave a note and go back to Nathan’s since I knew I could count on him to lift my spirits, I smiled at just thought and couldn’t wait to see my best friend again even though I’d not long seen him!

I could only find a post-it note so quickly scrawled my message and stuck it on his foreheads where I knew he would find it; I gathered my bag and shoes and walked out the front door back down the familiar path to Nathan’s house. It was pretty dark outside and the odd lamp lit the pebbled path as I walked on, I pulled out the key Nathan had given me and unlocked the door only to be greeted by Jess and their mum.

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