Chapter 4 - The Start

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Chapter 4 - The Start

A week passed in a flash and soon enough my mum was forcing me to pack ready to leave for London tomorrow with Nathan. I was so excited, and I couldn’t wait to see him performing at concerts and going to different places with the rest of the band. The bit I hated the most though was packing, I’d always hated it. My mum always wanted to pack way too many things, seriously who needs to take coat-hangers?!

In the past week Nathan and I had been doing everything we used to do as kids, such as secretly riding a neighbour’s tractor, painting my dad’s shed bright pink and pulling pranks on anyone around us. We were pretty naughty kids, we always ended up getting into trouble but it never mattered because we were always having so much fun. Where we lived it was both stereotypically near farmland – hence the neighbour’s tractor- but ten minutes away everything was modern and new with a shopping centre and entertainment complex.

Returning to my packing I was satisfied I had everything for three months never mind one! I had every type of clothing because I didn’t really know what to expect, it could snow in London, yet be scorching hot in the US! My mum now satisfied zipped up my two suitcases – who said I was going light! - And called my dad to carry them downstairs.

“James! Can you take Maggie’s suitcases to the front door please?” she shouted almost deafening me as she stood so close. Soon enough my dad walked in smiling and eyeing up what he had to take downstairs.

“Your such girls” my dad muttered as he picked them both up and heaved them out the door, I’m sure he was exaggerating slightly because they weren’t that heavy! Me and my mum turned to each other and laughed as he grumbled all the way down the stairs, typical dad!

“This is your first holiday without us, Your all grown up!” my mum said pulling me into a hug, I was going to miss her, although she would probably call almost everyday just to check up on me!

“Muum!” I moaned, as much as I loved my mum I hated it when she went all soppy on me, she laughed slightly as she pulled away and we walked out my door, down the stairs to where my dad was stood by the door. I was going to stay at Nathan’s tonight because the train we were catching to London left at 4am! I had no idea how I would manage that as I really wasn’t a morning person!

“Now Maggie, don’t forget to behave and remember your manners. I know Nathan will be there with you but just be careful and if you need anything just call, it doesn’t matter if it’s two in the morning okay?” my mum said with her lecture and I nodded, giving her another hug and turning to my dad.

“You ready?” he asked and I nodded turning to my mum one last time as she waved. Even though Nathan lived literally around the corner my dad was dropping me off in the car because of my suitcases etc. I climbed in not even bothering to put the seatbelt on as I knew we would be there before I knew it.

“Have a good time, give us a call when you’re in London and when you get to America okay?” my dad said and nodded, I guess it was a big deal that I was going away for a month with my best friend and his band traveling to different parts of the world.

“Will do dad” I said getting out the car, he followed me getting my suitcases out and putting them on the drive, I was about to go but my dad held his hand out to stop me.

“Wait Maggie, your mum and I want to give you this” he said handing me an envelope, I had no idea what was in it so pealed the top open, my eyes went wide when I saw what was in it.

“Dad! You didn’t have to do this” I said, the envelope was stuffed with money; there was literally so much money here! I felt so rich!

“Your gone for a month, I’d rather you have too much than not enough. You’re going to have to change some of it for the US and Australia” he said and I nodded, I was still surprized they had given me all this!

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