Chapter 5 - London

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Chapter 5 - London

You would expect a two hour train journey in stuffy hot British weather to be hell, but it wasn’t. Somehow Nathan kept me entertained the whole way there, either by pulling pranks on passengers around us or playing travelling games such as the classic eye spy. We grabbed breakfast off the cart that came around as well as a magazine – which Nathan and the others boys were in, much to his amusement!

The train came to its final stop at Kings Cross and Nathan helped me off before we collected our bags and made our way out, luckily he was wearing a cap so didn’t get recognized. I wasn’t sure how we were getting to the boys flat, but Nathan must have because he looked around at the cars in front of us until he spotted a familiar one and dragged me along with the cases to it.

He flung the boot open and lifted the cases in before shutting it and opening the door to let me in, only once the door had closed behind Nathan and I’d sat down did I notice the other four boys grinning back at me.

“Guys! I didn’t know you were here!” I said before giving them each a hug each, they grinned like idiots now that they were all together again.

“It’s great to see you again Maggie” Siva said as I sat next to him and Nathan before we began to drive off.

“You’ve got to put up with me for a whole month” I said excitedly, Jay pretended to cry and Max hit him on the head while Tom was pulling faces at me making me laugh. They were a bunch of crazy idiots but I loved them so much.

“Well get ready for the best month of your life” Tom said throwing his arm over Max’s shoulder before Max cuddled up to him like an old married couple. Nathan and Jay were having a bromance moment whispering in each other’s ears although I couldn’t hear what they were talking about.

When we arrived at the house they were sharing for the week they all grabbed a suitcase and walked up to the door so I was left with one bag to take in – although Nathan had to drag most of his in! I got in and saw just how big it was, it was like a tardis!

I could hear the boys running about upstairs arguing about who got each room, each fighting for the biggest. I wasn’t bothered about what mine looked like as long as it had a bed I could sleep on at night. Since after ten minutes they were still arguing I decided to go upstairs and sort them out, whenever I spend time with them I felt like I was becoming like my mum!

The first room I got to was occupied by Max lying on the bed texting, I moved to next room to see Tom and Nathan arguing about who should get the room as apparently it was the biggest. There was a room exactly opposite that looked exactly the same so I didn’t know why they desperately wanted this one.

“Nathan” I said going over to him and grabbing his arm so he stopped sending Tom death glares and looked at me instead.

“Let Tom have this room you can have the one opposite” I dragged him out and Tom grinned shutting the door after us happy he had won the argument while Nathan huffed but followed me. I opened his suitcase and began to shove things on the bed.

“Thanks for sticking by me” he huffed still annoyed at the fact he didn’t get the room, I chuckled and walked out the room ruffling his hair in the process.

I walked down the hall trying to find a spare room and the last door I opened I managed to find one; it was pretty small but really cute and cosy. I guess it would help me prepare for sleeping on a tour bus when they travelled around the US.  At first I thought we would be staying in hotels but Nathan told me that they had to travel overnight to get to the next state so we would be on a tour bus, I guess there’s a first time for everything!

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