Chapter 16 - Dream

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Chapter 16 – Dream

With the technology now days it didn’t take long for the whole of the fan- base to hear Nathan and I were ‘dating’.

My Twitter feed was going crazy with mentions and I knew Nathan’s was too because it beeped every few seconds. At first I held my breathe looking at what the reactions were, but by the fifth tweet I read I could breathe a sigh of relief as it seemed that the fans were okay with our newly announced ‘relationship’.

I think it was because they had known Nathan and I were best friends since the band started and had accepted me with opens that the feedback was so good. Of course there were the odd hateful comments that wanted to see me swimming in a sea of hungry sharks (shark bait) but I really didn’t care about them, why should I when I didn’t even know them?

Nathan was grinning and pressing buttons on his phone so I knew he was happy and probably retweeting or replying to some of the fans. I couldn’t help but study him, it seemed like I’d been doing it a lot recently. The way his lips curled up, his ruffled hair, his concentration as he tapped away on the phone, I found myself unconsciously biting my lip.

“Like the view?” he asked, I escaped out of whatever state I was in and blushed looking down.

“I was just thinking that you need to brush your hair, it’s a mess” he smirked and laughed at whatever came into my mind first.

“I’m sure you were” I shook my head ignoring his gaze and retweeted a few of the tweets saying Nathan and I made a great couple, it made me feel slightly guilty that we were lying to them all.

“C’mon guys bed time, you’ve got a lot of travelling to do tomorrow” Martin said clapping his hands and rounding everyone up, the girls said bye before going to the hotel next door.

I changed into my pyjamas and said night to Nathan giving him a lingering hug before climbing up to my bunk and closing the curtain staring at nothing in particular before I found myself drifting in darkness.

“Babe don’t leave me” Nathan said from beside me as we lay on the white double bed, he grabbed my hips and pulled me into his body, kissing my bare shoulder.

“I have to, James is crying” I kissed him briefly on the lips smiling as I stepped out of the bed grabbing my dressing gown. A wolf whistle sounded from behind me and I looked back to see Nathan grinning at me.

I let the silk gown flow over my naked body as I walked out of the room but made no attempt to remove the smile from my face.

I walked into the newly decorated blue room picking James up from his crib, cradling him in my arms, rocking as I looked down at him. He had Nathan’s eyes and nose with a tuft of brown hair, he had taken my mouth and ears and ogled up at me.

Arms wrapped around me and Nathan’s bare body pressed against my back.

“I love you Mrs Sykes” he whispered in my ear and I turned pressing my lips to his until the darkness faded.

I sat up banging my head on the ceiling, wincing slightly. That dream had felt so real, so vivid. Was it weird that part of me wanted it to be true? That I’d enjoyed it? I found my phone in the darkness and pressed a button until the screen lit up momentarily blinding me until my eyes adjusted.

It had just gone past four in the morning and I could hear heavy breathing mixed with light snores around me as they slept. I pulled the curtain open not being able to see much because of how dark it was, slowly and quietly I climbed down careful of not to wake anyone in the process.

I found myself in the kitchen pouring myself some orange juice and eating a rich tea biscuit thinking about what I’d been awoken from. I hadn’t even been fake dating him a day and already I was having dreams like this. Footsteps made me jump from my thoughts and my eyes caught sight of a sleepy Jay, his curls looking rather dishevelled.

“I thought I heard someone, are you alright?” he asked rubbing his eyes and trying to be as quite as he could.

“Yeah I’m fine thanks, I just had a dream that’s all” I said in-between bites.

“Not a wet one I hope” Jay smirked chuckling slightly.

“Jay!” I exclaimed rolling my eyes, he laughed and poured himself a drink.

“Want to pull a prank while we’re awake?” he asked and I nodded needing a distraction. He walked to a cupboard and reached in towards the back pulling out a bottle, I gave him a questioning look before he explained.

“It’s extra hot sauce. If we put it around the rim of their mugs they’ll get a hot surprize when they have a drink. We pulled it on Lawson who supported us on tour and it worked like a treat” I laughed slightly and grabbed the other boys mugs, it was a good job they all had different ones.

Tom had one with a parrot on so we coated him mug with hot sauce before moving on to Siva’s Star Wars one, Max had a Man City while Nathan had a Man United mug – I felt slightly guilty about his! We also put some on Martins and Big Kev’s too before going to bed so we would get up in time to see them in the morning.

I got woken up the next morning by Jay shaking me, telling me the boys were up and about to make a drink. I grabbed my dressing gown and headed in the direction of the noise,  much to my relief and disappointment I hadn’t had another dream about Nathan since I went back to sleep.

Max and Tom were making everyone a cup of tea, even though you couldn’t really see the hot sauce it was a good job they were still half asleep. Once it was made and they sat it down for it to cool slightly so it was just a waiting game. After a few minutes Siva picked his up first, followed by Max, Tom then Nathan.

One by one they took a sip, it took a good few seconds for it to set in, they suddenly began fanning their mouths and automatically taking another sip of the drink only to go through it again with twice the pain making their eyes water.

Nathan ran to the sink and threw his face under the tap, Siva ran to the bathroom and Max and Tom grabbed water bottles chugging the cool liquid down their burning throats. All while Jay and I stood laughing, filming the whole thing, I had no doubts that the footage would end up in a Wanted Wednesday mailer.

About ten minutes later they had all calmed down and were now giving us death glares.

“You fell for your own trick!” Jay laughed pointing at them in his Nottinghamshire accent sticking out. The others didn’t look amused but when we heard Martin and Kevin Jay told them they had hot sauce on their mugs and they quietened down watching them walk in.

I think they knew we were up to something from the look they gave us and also from the fact that none of us said anything, only watched their every move as they made their tea.

We didn’t have to wait long as they both took sips straight away, they suddenly cursed and the rest of us watched laughing as they ran around like idiots, Jay filmed them so no doubt they would also make the cut too. By the time their mouths had cooled down Nathan pulled me to the side and spoke to me quieting his voice.

“So I’m taking you on our first ‘date’ tonight” he smiled as I stood their confused.

“But we’re on the bus all day, not stopping, going to Arizona” I said and he nodded knowingly.

“I know” he smirked and with that walked away to the bathroom, leaving me stood there staring at where he had just been.

A/N  - Let me know what you think! S x

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