Chapter 7 - LA Bound

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Chapter 7 – LA Bound

Today was officially the day we left the UK for three weeks! I had got up an hour ago and being the sensible one, I’d decided to make them all breakfast before waking  them up; I knew how much of a pain they are to wake up so I needed something to temp them!

As the fry up was cooking I went to Siva’s room first as he normally took the longest to get ready, I knocked on the door just in case he was awake but when there was no response I went in and shook him until he stirred.

“We’ve got to leave in an hour, breakfast is on the table” I said and he mumbled something before I walked out, even though it wasn’t technically on the table yet I used my mums trick of telling them before because I knew by the time they had actually got downstairs it would be sitting on a plate waiting for them.

Nathan was next; I couldn’t help but giggle when I walked in. His mouth was open and his breathing was heavy, he clutched the duvet and had one leg sticking out. I sat down next to him and pinched his cheeks until he began to wake up, since he was my best I would never wake him up normally. He groaned before I told him about breakfast then he cheered up slightly.

I left Nathan to get ready and woke up the others, persuading them all with bacon. Tom was the hardest to wake up and when I told Jay we had to leave in an hour he jumped out and began shoving things in a suitcase as he hadn’t packed. Max got up and pulled his laptop out telling me he was going to Skype Michelle before he went, I left him to it.

True to my original thinking breakfast was on the plate before they had all got downstairs, Nathan was first followed by Siva, Tom, Jay and Max. They all ate silently apart from the odd question they asked and the teasing that always seemed to happen no matter the situation. Once I had finished made sure they had washed their own pots I ran upstairs to grab my bags as we left in fifteen minutes. I dragged my first bag out, grabbed my travel rucksack and threw it on my back before getting my second case and dragging them both down the hall.

Tom came running up the stairs and laughed when he saw me struggling to move them, he came over and picked them up with ease making me look like a weakling before taking them downstairs and leaving them by the door, I thanked him and he saluted me before running back up the stairs. One of the good things about living with five guys is to them to do all the handiwork!

I sat on the sofa watching some last minutes news as I waited for the boys and the car to take us to the airport to turn up, I’d made sure I had plenty of things to do on the plane but it was going to be a long eleven hour flight sat next to five boys! I could hear Tom and Max arguing about which DVD they would watch first and put my head in my heads, we hadn’t even got to the airport yet!

A car horn honked outside so I quickly stood up and grabbed my suitcases before once again attempting to wheel them out. Siva and Jay followed shortly after and Max who was walking past saw me and grabbed a suitcase before carrying it to the car so I could drag the other one out without injuring anyone. I thanked him before the driver took my case and put it in the boot, followed by the others. I stood back and let them pile in, as it was a seven seater Jay sat in the front next to the driver, Siva and Tom sat at the back and I ended up being squished between Nathan and Max in the middle, it was a good job we weren’t driving for long!

When we arrived at the airport fifteen minutes later I could see a crowd of girls waiting for the boys with posters and gifts ready to give them. I’d never been to an airport with them before but I knew that fans tended to go and meet them there. Jayne, who had rode in a separate car with Kev, Martin, the two guitarists and drummer met us once we got out and led us to check in, she told the girls waiting they would be back once we had all checked in as we didn’t want to miss the flight.

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