Chapter 19 - Last Day

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Chapter 19 – Last Day

It didn’t take long until the majority of the fans knew that Nathan and I had lied to them, of course a lot of them weren’t happy; you could see that from the mentions we got on Twitter. There were the odd few that understood the situation but they were being overruled by the bad comments, I knew we had to do something about it and so did Nathan which was why we were about to film a video explaining it before we put it onto YouTube.

“You ready?” he asked and I nodded before answering “Yep, you know what to say right?” he nodded and hit play before walking back in front of the camera and sat on the sofa next to me.

“Okay I know a lot of you would have probably seen the video. First of all I would like to say that I think it’s a disgrace anyone would enter the tour bus in the first place without permission, let alone do what they did. Secondly I would like to explain why we lied to you that we were dating when in a matter of fact it was fake, see I really liked Maggie. I liked her ever since we were little and as we’ve grown older I’ve grown to like her even more and I finally admitted that in a concert that I’m sure you’ve probably also seen too. Anyway she said she needed time to think about everything since I just sprung it on her and someone suggested that we fake date, it was to see if she felt the same way and that we could be together, It was also to see what your reactions would be and thankfully the majority of you accepted us as a couple” Nathan said looking at the camera, it was now my turn to speak and finish off the explanation.

“A few days ago I realized I didn’t just like Nathan as a friend, I liked him as much more. I love spending time with him, he makes me happy and when we fake dated I knew I didn’t want it to end, so we decided to date for real I’m so happy I made that decision. I know we lied to you guys but I hope you’ll accept this apology and explanation and also accept us again as a couple now we’ve explained this to you guys. I hope everything will go back to how it was because I know Nathan loves you all and wouldn’t want anything to come between the boys and the fans.” I finished and Nathan grinned at me before turning back to the camera to sign off.

“Now that you all know the truth there’s one more thing I want to add. Make sure you’re at your computer screens this Friday because we might just be premiering our new music video, but don’t tell the other boys I told you that! See you soon” we both waved before Nathan stood up and turned it off, I relaxed in my seat once it had finished, I really hoped they would be okay with everything.

We uploaded it to the YouTube page and posted the link on our Twitter pages before Nathan decided he wanted to take me out before we had to pack to leave tomorrow, I quickly made sure I looked decent before walking up to an already waiting Nathan. “Alright?” he asked and I nodded before he took my hand and we began walking to the nearest diner.

We ended up at a little diner named Jerry’s, it was kind of cute. When you walked in it looked pretty dark, wall lamps lit the burgundy walls and old baseball bats and photos filled the walls. A waitress led us to a table in the corner and handed us the menus, I looked over the menu at Nathan and watched as he concentrated on reading the menu. Man that boy could melt anyone’s heart even when he wasn’t trying.

“Liking what you see?” Nathan smirked looking up from the menu to meet my gaze, I blushed and looked down. Nathan chuckled but stopped when the waitress came back and took our orders, I ordered taco’s seeing as I hadn’t had any since we were here and I felt like I should. Nath on the other hand kept it simple and ordered his favourite food spaghetti bolognaise, I couldn’t keep the smile off my face when he said it as it’s a running joke that whenever it was on the menu he would order it. Nathan just shook his head knowing what I was thinking.

As we waited we chatted as we always did about the most random things, Nathan told me about what they had planned in Australia. I’d had the time of my life touring with them in America, I admit then when it’s over I’m going to be disappointed but I’m sure I’ll have a lot of fun when we get back home, I did miss my family too.

“I want to play an instrument” I said thinking about how I’d seen the band play so many times, yet not had a go at playing one myself. I knew Max, Tom and Siva played the guitar; Nath preferred the keyboard and Jay dabbled slightly in playing the drums. I’d love to play the drums but I already knew my hand and foot coordination was out so I’d probably sound like a cat attempting to play, but I wanted to learn something.

“I’ll teach you one of our songs on keyboard sometime, and I’m sure one of the other boys will teach you how to play guitar if you wanted them too” I smiled; he really was an amazing guy.

“I’d love that” I said just as the waitress arrived with our food, she set my taco’s in front of me and Nathan’s spaghetti in-front of him before walking away. Thinking about it now I don’t know why I picked tacos as they were a nightmare to eat always falling apart when you tried to bite into them.

We walked back to the tour bus hand in hand ready to pack now we had eaten, Nathan rather enjoyed me making a mess of the food as he casually ate his, by the end of it I ended up just eating it off  the plate with a knife and fork since it didn’t go down very well. I was dreading packing, first I would have to find all my clothes which was most likely mixed in with the other five boys and then I would have to attempt to close it by sitting on it.

I wasn’t prepared for what I saw when I stepped back on the tour bus – I don’t think anything could have prepared me to be honest – dancing around to Britney Spears, Jay, Max, Tom and Siva all had my clothes on singing into hairbrushes. I didn’t even know what to say or do.

They hadn’t seen us there yet so Nathan tried not to laugh beside me as I watched rather amused pointing my video camera from my phone at them. Siva had one of my crop tops and denim shorts although they were so small he couldn’t do them up, Jay had one of my dresses on and I had no idea it could fit him, Tom and Max both had my underwear on over their clothes – thank goodness – and hairbrushes in their hands.

Nathan couldn’t hold his laughter anymore and burst into a fit of laughter, he bent over trying to control himself as I cracked into a giggle. The boys suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked at us rather embarrassed, if this is what boys did when us girls were out then I literally had no idea what to think.

“We were just uh-“ Max said scratching the back of his head, I really wanted to hear his explanation, Jay began to peel the dress off and Siva had disappeared while Tom was strutting his stuff catwalk style. Max looked at him, threw his hands up and said “heck I don’t even know” before doing a catwalk style walk down the middle of the bus. Nathan to my side still held his stomach in laughter, I shook my head and dragged my suitcase out starting to pack all my stuff, one by one the clothing in which the boys wore were slowly returned. It seemed that they had started to pack themselves but came across some of my stuff and – well you know the rest.

By ten that night we were all eventually packed and ready to leave for Australia in the morning, the girls had gone back to the hotel room earlier to pack along with Em who was staying the night so we could all leave together in the morning, I was excited to go to the other side of the world with the most amazing people ever.

I knew I had to face it at some point so I logged onto Twitter to see what the responses were to the video we posted earlier. There were still comments that hated me and Nath – although I’m sure they were aimed at me – for lying to them but a lot that I read were happy that we had apologized and tell them what went on and were now full supporters of ‘Mathan’ once again.

“Mags?” Nath whispered from the bunk opposite me, I really was going to miss this bus as it hold so many memories but I knew we would make more memories on the bus we got in Australia. I opened my curtain to a grinning Nathan.

“What do you want?” I asked, the duvet was up to my chin so I just peaked out to him. “A goodnight kiss, we were interrupted the last time I wanted to kiss you” he said referring to the intruder. I smiled, it was a good job it was dark so Nathan couldn’t see me blush. Before I knew it Nathan was in-front of me standing on the bed below, I guess they were asleep so didn’t notice they had a visit from Nathan’s feet.

“Well I can’t say no to that” Nathan’s lips found mine, at first his lips touched mine timidly, but when his hand moved to my face his lips moved to mine forcefully, I would say it’s weird kissing my best friend but honestly the feelings I got when his lips were on mine said different. Cheesy and as cliché as it sounded, Nathan was my rock.

A/N – Hope you like it, comment, vote, let me know what you think! oh and it's not finished yet! S x

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