Chapter 6 - Killing Time

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Chapter 6 – Killing Time

It had been three days since we had arrived in London, the boys had been going off every so often to do some promo work for a new single about to be released and I often went with them. I got to sight-see as I had never been around London properly so it was fun having Nathan and the others as my tour guide. It was now Thursday and we were leaving for the US on Sunday so I had been making sure I had everything with me – checking I had my passport every time I went in my room just to be on the safe side!

Max, Tom and Siva had gone with Nareesha, Kelsey and Michelle to watch a film at the cinema while Jay, Nathan and I stayed home being the lonely, awkward people without a girlfriend/boyfriend. Although to be honest we were having a blast making pancakes so it wasn’t so bad! Every now and again I saw Jay smiling as he texted someone on his phone, thinking about it for the last couple of days he’d been doing it a lot and I’m sure it was because he’d met someone, although he hadn’t said anything. I was quite surprized he hadn’t lost his phone yet; he hadn’t lost it since we arrived which was pretty good to say he normally lost it every five seconds!

“Do you want orange, lemon or syrup on your pancake?” Nathan asked as Jay flipped one over and Nathan looking through the cupboards at what we had got.

“Hm, get them all out I can’t choose!” I said, I probably sounded like a pig but I didn’t really care to be honest!

“Righto” Nathan said getting each of the toppings and Jay carried on flipping the pancakes, I had to say he was pretty good at it, if I tried it would probably end up being stuck to the ceiling or on a heap on the floor!

Once all the pancakes were cooked we all sat around the table and began to dig in, the radio playing quietly in the background. In the end I decided to have a pancake with each topping, I mean why not?! Jay and Nathan scoffed fifteen between them so I didn’t feel so bad!

As soon as the dishes were in the dishwasher, Jay went and sat on the sofa switching on Avatar and texting on his phone while Nathan grabbed his laptop and dragged me to his room to do a twitcam. He used to hardly ever do them but lately he’s been doing them quite a lot, he loves talking to the fans and I liked doing with them too as they treated me like part of the fanmily.

After he tweeted that we were going to do one his mentions – and mine too! – went crazy with people asking questions and requesting follows. I hated picking them because the people you didn’t reply too I felt really bad about, although it was pretty hard to answer all of them when you had so many!

 Nathan clicked ‘Start broadcasting’ and we went live!

“Hello everyone!” Nathan said waving at the camera; we were sitting on his bed and he moved up so I could squidge next to him a bit more to be in the shot.

“Hi guys!” I said now I could be seen, the chat went crazy with people talking to us, it was really hard to pick a question or do a shout-out because they went off the screen so quickly.

“So we’re here talking to you guys while Jay is downstairs watching his all-time favourite film Avatar and the others have all gone to watch a movie with their girlfriends so you’re stuck with us” he said before turning to me and poking my nose, I pushed him so he fell sideways on the bed and we both ended up laughing our heads off. I had no idea what the people watching would think!

“So have you got any questions for us?” I asked regaining my composure, at first I thought no-one would want to know anything about me, but I kept getting people asking me questions and follow requests that showed that they really did like it. It was kind of crazy because I wasn’t famous like Nathan!

“Okay Star girl Chloe asks you Nathan, if you could marry anyone out of the band who would it be and why?” I said turning to him, I was pretty sure it would be Jay because of the whole Jaythan thing the fans went on about, but then again I could be wrong knowing Nathan.

“Uh, me. Not because I’m vain or anything but I have a pretty good sense of style in hats!” he said and I laughed, he sure was weird sometimes!

“Okay Maggie someone here asks what is your favourite thing about Nathan?” he turned to me waiting for my answer as I tried to think. I’m not sure what I liked best about him, of course I liked a lot of things which made it pretty hard to choose. His personality? His hat or tea obsession? His amazing singing voice? His looks?

“Um that’s a hard one... My favourite thing about Nathan is him just being him! If that makes any sense?!” I said before returning to look at the laptop, I avoided Nathan as I knew he would tease and embarrass me in-front of all the viewers.

“Okay Nath this is for you. If you could either have an elephant sized hamster or a hamster sized elephant as a pet, which one would it be?” some of the questions were really strange!

“Ha-ha! Well to be honest an elephant sized hamster would probably scare me, so I’ll go with a hamster sized elephant. That would be cute!” he said laughing and I rolled my eyes to the camera.

We stayed talking to the fans for another hour making a complete fool of ourselves, but it was worth every second. I knew that the fans only supported me because I was Nathan’s best friend but I loved being able to talk and interact with that many people, they kind of felt like some crazy long extended family!

“Anyway we should go and see if we can get Jay away from his beloved Avatar and I’m dying for a cup of tea!” Nathan said throwing his arm over me and pulling towards the camera, we pulled funny faces before waving and saying our goodbyes logging off. One by one the viewer’s began to disappear and we sat back laughing, it had been pretty good!

We both trudged downstairs to find Jay still sat watching Avatar, although from what I could see it had almost finished. Nathan told me to stay where I was as he crept behind Jay as he hadn’t seen us yet, once he was exactly behind him, Nathan poked his sides so he jumped in his seat and squealed like a girl. He turned and looked at us, clearly not very happy before grabbing a crisp and shoving it in his mouth, he didn’t say anything which made the whole situation ten times funnier. We were on a roll.

“So who’s the lucky girl?” I said plopping myself beside him on the sofa. His head snapped in my direction before he looked at Nathan, then returning his gaze to me.

“Girl? What girl? I have no idea what you’re on about” Jay said turning away to face the TV, his cheeks turned pink slightly and I knew he was lying. Nathan looked at me also knowing that in-fact there was a girl and we weren’t going to drop the subject anytime soon!

“Whatever you say” I said smiling and going to make a cup of tea in the kitchen, Nathan called me to make him and Jay one too so I got to work making them. I probably would have normally put heaps of salt in their drinks as a prank but for some strange reason I didn’t want to, I was probably having prank withdrawal for pranking so much with Nathan!

I sat down in-between them once I’d made the drinks and we flicked through the channels until we found a repeat of Michael McIntyrelive at the Apollo and began to laugh at something he had said. This was going to be a long night filled with a lot of laughter!

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