Chapter 21 - Surprise?!

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A/N – Thank you to everyone that entered the competition! I loved all the ideas you came up with!! So the winner is... drumroll please… @Lichyuha I really loved the idea she came up with and the way she wrote it so thank you! Hope you like it XD

Chapter 21 – Surprise?!

I stared out of the window, sulking. I was so annoyed. How could they do this? I was with The Wanted!

I continued sulking until people started to stir in the rest of the cabin. I finally decided to lift my head to check out what was going on. My heart nearly skipped a beat. He wouldn’t. Would he?

His amazing green eyes searched around the crowded cabin, as if looking for something. However, many of his fans had already spotted him and were beginning to swarming around him. He forced a smile at them and tried making his way through.

I could tell even though he posed and smiled for photographs and signed autographs  he wanted to be alone, that was one of the up-sides to being his best friend – I knew all his habits and secrets. I bit my lip. What was he here for? He could be enjoying much quieter and less crowded flight, but no there he stood.

I was still upset at what had happened with Dean. It’s his fault I poured water on him! I was also pretty let down by the hostess’ attitude. I mean, I paid for first class only to be moved to economy class? It wasn’t even my fault! Dean started it! ‘Due to your behaviour we have moved you to economy class’. That was the most annoying thing I’ve heard.

I looked back at Nathan. His eyes still searching for something or someone in the cabin. I was getting pretty annoyed at the swarming girls all around him, and it wasn’t even happening to me but I knew how he felt. I mean, GIRLS! I know Nathan Sykes is like, on the same plane, but this is a PLANE!

I increased the volume on my iPod but still got annoyed with the mumbo jumbo chaos going on. I scowled.

I looked up at Nathan for about the fifth time in the five minutes. His gaze met mine, it gave me shivers. I looked out of the window not wanting to meet his gaze any longer. “Maggie!” I heard his soft (he probably shouted but it sounded soft with my loud music) voice call me. I ignored it and pretended I didn’t hear him. “Maggie!” he repeated, tapping my shoulder, making me turn around. He took his place next to me and sat down.

We sat together for about five minutes until the noise finally died down and the girls finally managed to get themselves under control. “Maggie,” he started, I ignored him and pretended my music was too loud - which was quite true honestly. He sighed and pulled my headphones off. “Hey!” I protested, trying to retrieve my headphones back but he shook his head.

“Maggie!” He shouted looking at me, “What?” I said, getting fairly annoyed at him. “Look at me!” I groaned and faced him, not really wanting to. His eyes bragged triumph. “What you said just now, is it true?” At this point, I was really upset, we had been best friends for I don’t know how long and now just when we finally decide to take things to the next level, he doesn’t trust me.

“Look, Nathan. If you don’t believe me, fine,” I lied. Inside, I was crying my heart out, I think he sat through me for a minute, reading me like I knew he could. “Maggie, you know I didn’t mean it like that…”

“Then what?” I shot back, I felt like just dropping to the ground and crying. “I wanna know what happened. Like, between you and whatshisname.” I sighed, I’d already told him once. “Nothing did, Nathan,” I snapped. “Like I said, I went to the toilet and he was followed me and pulled me inside the cubicle I tried finding a way out, but he wouldn’t let me go! If you had been there Nath! You’d understand!”

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