Chapter 8 - Tissues

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Chapter 8 - Tissues

I’d been in the Jacuzzi for over an hour just completely relaxing, I wasn’t bothered about trying to go to sleep yet I was just so excited that I was in America! Since the hotel we were staying in was private and pretty expensive looking, I somehow felt a bit odd being here, although it’s not every day you find yourself on tour with a band relaxing in a Jacuzzi.

“Maggie” Nathan tried to whisper since it was pretty late but ended up shouting, he hadn’t seen me yet so I presumed he was looking for me.

“Nathan over here” I said waving, his head snapped in my direction and a huge grin formed on his face before he walked over.

“I thought you’d got lost or something, you’ve been gone ages” he chuckled sitting on the side of the Jacuzzi, a plan formed in my head but I smiled, carrying on normal.

“No just relaxing, you should come in too” I spoke while shuffling slightly in his direction without looking suspicious.

“I’m not really in the mood” he said while ruffling his hair.

“Okay then. Hey Nathan is that Selena Gomez?” I pointed to a spot behind him and his head whipped in the direction.

“Where?!” he said looking around, before he could even suspect it I pulled his arm so he fell in the Jacuzzi, water splashed everywhere and Nathan got completely soaking wet. I laughed as his head popped up and an un-amused expression showed. He flipped his hair before standing up and sitting down properly next to me.

“That was not very nice” he said giving me a puppy dog look, I pat his on the head before standing up and getting out, I didn’t want to look like a shrivelled prune!

I stepped out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around me before turning to look at Nathan. His eyes were slightly wide and he was completely still looking at me, weird.

“Nathan, hello anybody there” I waved my hand a few times in front of his face before he blinked and looked at my face again.

“Sorry, I...uh... I like your bikini” I thanked him before starting to walk up to our room; Nathan grabbed a towel and walked behind me. Nathan’s reaction back there was pretty weird, he’d seen me in a bikini before – although the last time was when I was thirteen – I just shrugged it off not really thinking much by it.

When we got back to the changing room we both got ready and hopped into bed, there was only a double bed but I didn’t mind sharing since we used to do it all the time when we were younger. Soon enough my thoughts had trailed off and blackness over took me.

“Maggie. Maggie wake up we’ve got to go in an hour” Nathan’s husky morning voice woke me up the next morning. I quickly stretched shoving the bed covers off before I could get comfortable again. Nathan was already in the bathroom so I picked out some clothes to wear for the day while I waited. Fifteen minutes later and Nathan walked out in just a white towel, his hair wet from the shower he’d had

“Where are we going today?” I asked while gathering everything I needed for the bathroom

“We’ve got a few interviews then a television performance for MTV” he said and I nodded before going to the bathroom to get ready.

Once I had showered, got dressed, done my hair and added a touch of make-up I was ready to go. I walked back out the room to find the room empty, I shoved everything away and as I did saw a piece of paper lying on the bed.

Maggie. Gone down for breakfast with the boys. Meet us down here when you’re done, Nathan x

P.S. Bring whatever you need to go because we’re leaving straight after ;)’

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