Chapter 18 - Intruder

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Chapter 18 – Intruder

Since I’d admitted it to myself that I liked Nathan it had been constantly in my mind. It was like I’d seen the light for the first time and I couldn’t get enough of it. When I was with him I felt amazing and when he was off doing a show or promotion I was always thinking about him, wondering what he was doing, whether he was thinking about me too.

I hadn’t told him yet but I’d enjoyed his company a whole lot more, I wasn’t sure if he’d noticed either. Today was our last day in the US! Tomorrow we were flying from LAX to Australia for a week, these past few weeks had been amazing, I think it had given me a whole new look on my life and the bands. The girls including Emma were coming too so I couldn’t wait!

Nathan and I had gone on another little ‘fake date’ since the last; a photo had been taken and put on Twitter so the fans could see. We had gone to a little diner which was really cute! I still had hate from fans, that was expected though, but on the other hand a lot of people ‘shipped’ us together calling us Mathan. Original I know, but I loved it! I only hoped no one would find out that we’re currently fake dating otherwise they might turn on me for lying to them.

“Maggie get a move on” Nathan said, I grumbled in the most comfy position ever. He’d woken me up about half an hour ago but I’d hardly moved since; I wasn’t planning on moving anytime soon either.

“Mm” I mumbled, I hadn’t even bothered to open my eyes yet, I didn’t even have a clue what we were doing today since they had the last day off.

“Maggie c’mon get up” Nathan said tapping my arm, I grumbled again and rolled over, I heard him sigh but it went quiet so I presumed he gave up and walked away. He didn’t. He climbed up on my bunk, bearing in mind that the bunk was only just big enough to one so he practically lay on top of me.

“Nath” I said trying to move, I had no luck though. “Yeah” he said somehow rolling over so he faced me. “A little awkward right here” I said, he chuckled “oh I know that” I rose my eyebrows waiting for him to elaborate like I knew he would “you didn’t look like you were moving anytime soon so I thought I would test that theory”

“Well even if I wanted to move I wouldn’t be able too” he chuckled, I love how his lip turned up ever so slightly. “True that, but it gives me the opportunity to talk to you face to face… literally… I know it hasn’t been a month but have you thought about us?” he bit his lip and I almost lost it then, I wanted to kiss him again, to feel his lips on mine again.

“I have quite liked faked dating you…” I said truthfully pausing before continuing, Nathan grinned at me like a Cheshire cat. “and the fans have been alright with us together, well most of them anyway” I looked down kind of embarrassed about telling him the truth, normally when it came to boys and true feelings I wasn’t very good at the whole thing.

“So does that mean you’ll date me for real?” before I could answer he spoke again “and if I kissed you, you wouldn’t pull away?” he looked at me with question, I felt all my senses on high alert. I looked straight into his eyes, no distractions, nothing between us and shook my head once. It was a small gesture but I knew he saw it because he pulled me into a tight hug. I looked at his shoulder at his bunk and something hit me.

“Nath?” I asked, he was still hugging me, not that I minded, I loved being in his arms. “Yes?” he asked pulling back slightly so we were looking at each other again.

“Where’s everyone else? The other boys and the girls including Kev and Martin?” he looked kind of puzzled that I was asking him but answered anyway. “They went to get breakfast in the hotel while I waited for you, why?” I gulped before replying.

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