A Little Flower

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"Ugh...My Head..... huh?" Y/N looked around. There was not many things to look at, but the things that WERE there was very....interesting. First off, there was a VERY tall hole. "Wait,I actually FELL down the mountain? Ugh, perfect." Y/N complained with disbelief. Second, it looked as if Y/N had landed on a HUUUGE pile of buttercups. Y/N slid off and found them self in front of a lone flower, with a face. "Wha-" Y/N looked at it in disbelief. Suddenly,it spoke.

"Howdy!" The Flower said. "OHSWEETJESUS" Y/N jumped. 

"Wha-What are you?"

"Isn't it obvious,silly? I'm a flower!" 

"I know but..your talking!"

"So? That doesn't have to do with anything! Anyway, what are YOU doing here in the underground?"

Y/N was confused. Is this the same flower Frisk told them about on their adventure? He sounds so nice. No, they were SURE they meant another flower. "I-I don't know..... how do I get out of here..."Y/N said cautiously. "oh...well... if you keep heading along the path eventually you will find the end of the cavern, but...

/Flowey Point of View\

He couldn't let them pass, this was his chance. His chance for a SOUL. He HAD to admit though...They were kind of attractive, no, they're a human, shut up, Flowey. He just had to play the nice and friendly-like game to convince them to stay "a little bit longer."  If they didn't play with him, oh well , T H E I R L O S S . . .

/back to Y/N pov\

"But....?" Y/N was suspicious...

"Well...it's kinda lonely here, you can go but....maybe stay a bit longer....?"

oh. *I can't just leave him here, he's all alone* Y/N said in their mind.

"Why don't you come with me to the surface?"Y/N asked politely.

"oh, well, there's a magic barrier that was...uh....reactivated after everyone left and...uh..uh...only humans and..uh..non-monster things can pass through" The flower said sweetly.

Y/N wanted to help, but they had to get back to the surface. "I'm sorry, but I REALLY have to go so I'll ju-" as Y/N was walking out and talking, they were cut off by vines blocking the exit.

The Flower's face dropped into a frown. 

"Maybe you didn't hear me,  S  T   A    Y." Flowey tried to wrap Y/N in vines, but Y/N suspected that he was more than he let on, and they were ready. Y/N jumped out of the way and then rammed through the vines blocking the exit.

"AGH!!!" The Flower yelled. Then he looked around.

The Human was gone.

(Welp, two chapters in my first day, i might even go for three! probably not tho. well, hope you enjoyed)

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