(Random Timeskip lol) Christmas!

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This is an idea by GokuDKD, thanks Goku! I'm probably going to edit it a little bit, but i hope you enjoy either way! also, Goku, if you see this, i TRIED to reply back a second time but it wouldn't work sooooo....yea. thanks for reading!

Also sorry i havent been updating lately, i was dragged into something without knowing and didnt have the time to tell you guys. 

This might be a short chapter but im probably going to make another one today.

~Timeskiiiiiiiiiip to chriiiiiistmas!~


Y/N woke up to knocking at their door. What time was it? Y/N looked over at the clock. "8:00 huh."

wait. What DAY was it?

"Christmas!" Y/N was ecstatic. They had they day off! Plus, it was Friday, so that lead right into the weekend!


"Coming!" Y/N yelled while putting on their clothes.  They opened the door and saw Frisk,sans,Toriel,PAPYRUS,Undyne and Alphys. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!" They all shouted at once.

Y/N was surprised. They HAD gotten presents for all of them but Y/N didn't think they would come over 8:00 in the morning. "Uh, Merry Christmas?" Y/N said. "Come in, come in." Y/N invited.

"How have you been Y/N." Toriel asked. Toriel was the former Queen of Monsters and probably one of the nicest and most caring monsters you knew, although Papyrus would give her a run for her money. "I've been good.How have you all been?" Most of them said good or great. Alphys just stuttered "I-i've b-b -been m-m-moderate..." and sans was already asleep on the couch.

"Well we were just here to say Merry Christmas and drop off our presents." Toriel said. "Oh! I have presents for you guys in my close,Wait here!" Then Y/N ran to their closet.

As Y/N picked up the presents they saw a flower pot, HIS flower pot. "eh, I'll go see him later." 

A few minutes later everyone had their gifts from Y/N and Y/N had their gifts from everyone.

Y/N gave Frisk a Pokemon game since you KNOW they like them. "Yay Pokemon!"

Y/N gave sans 3 joke books and 5 quantum physics books. "oh cool"


Y/N gave Undyne some magical spear repair kits and a 'SPECIAL EDITION OF MEW MEW KISSY CUTIE BACK TO THE PAST-FUTURE LASER ROBOT GUN SWORD WARS 1 THROUGH 30565! PLUS COMICS!'for her and alphys that costed, like, 150 Bucks! She better like it. "YEEES THIS IS WHAT IVE BEEN WANTING FOR SO LONG!!!" and alphys said, on the side. "A-and i-i-its the newest series t-too, so we don't h-have t-t-to watch that garbage Mew Mew 2!"

Y/N also got Alphys a pack of anime, just a cheaper one. "Y-yes, t-this is," then she said some sort of long, overdone title.

after that everyone said bye and left.


(Flowey POV)

*Ok, i cant believe im doing this*

Today was christmas, and today was the day that Flowey was going to try to confess to Y/N. "Ugh, i hope this works." He had on a bow tie and was sweating, wait how can a flower sweat? Anyway, flowey had been tired of dealing with that weird "love" feeling in his stem, he was going to confess. And he was sure that this was going to go terrible.

Flowey had REALLY never been so wrong.

( and that's it! also, Goku, if you see this, i TRIED to reply back a second time but it wouldn't work sooooo....yea. thanks for reading! and again, i am SO sorry that this is so short. ill try to get in another chapter where flowey confesses. BYYYE)

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