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I'M NOT DEAD! yet. 

So I haven't been on wattpad alot. At all. And that's because I'm working on something that is taking up most of my time. Multiple things like School, another book (Which I'm most likely going to put on wattpad after,) A relationship, all sorts of things.

I'm sorry for the people who really like the story. And I WILL finish it. I'm just taking a LLLLOOOOONNNNGGGG break. (Not THAT long, but if the book I'm writing is good and my friends like it, I'm probably going to make it into a series as the game it's based on is kind of like a series with different parts. Yes it's based on a game.)

 I can't say if I'll be able to reply to comments, so all I can say to that is I'm sorry.

Oh, and if anyone was wondering about my book and what game it's based on, I'm not telling until I'm done with at least the first book. And if I end up not putting it on wattpad, then I'll just tell you. 

Again, I AM NOT ENDING THIS STORY. Just taking a break.

Welp, See ya! 

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