Back to the Surface

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*I have to tell someone.....frisk! they should know what to do!* Y/N was running to frisk's house.

Y/N reached Frisk's house and knocked on the door.


Y/N looks at their watch."8:20? I expected it to be around twelve..."

It was then that a chubby, smiling skeleton answered the door.

"heya, Y/N, what was up, you were supposed to be here 2 hours ago." Sans said lazily.

Y/N then spoke, "I know, I know. Where's Frisk?"

Sans responded with, " whhhhyyyyy?"

"It's complicated but, you'll find out"

"uh ok?"

Sans then let Y/N into the house.

Sans called frisk, "frisk! someone's here to see you!"

A little child with some blue and purple striped pajamas came running out into the living room and jumped into Y/N's arms.

"Hey frisk!" Y/N said happily.

"Hi Y/N!" frisk responded.

"Uh...I need to speak with you, Frisk" Y/N and the child sat down on the couch.

"What's up?" Frisk asked Y/N.

Y/N then told Frisk all about falling into the mountain, meeting the Flower, almost getting killed, almost getting killed again, Flowey sparing them. Everything that happened in the Underground.

"hmmm," Frisk was thinking hard.

"It's not like him to spare you..." Frisk was wondering what could have caused that...

"Has he ever spared you before?" Y/N was curious about this.

"Not once."

As curious as Y/N was, they were also very tired. "Well, I guess I can think on it tomorrow, I'm super tired." Y/N said while yawning.

They both said their farewells and Papyrus drove Y/N home, where Y/N collapsed on the bed and fell asleep within 10 seconds, while dreaming about talking flowers.


Why....He had them in his grasp. But he couldn't do it, he had let them go.It wasn't guilt. It wasn't remorse. WHAT.WAS.IT? Flowey nagged himself while trying to go sleep. but he couldn't sleep.His mind drifted off and landed on Asriel. It had only been a year since he had converted into the God of HyperDeath and was able to....feel.Was it because it had only been a year? And the feelings were fresh on him? "Ugh, who cares, they'll forget about me anyway." The Human would just go on with their everyday life...and forget him.

Flowey had never been so wrong.

Love, not LOVE... (Reader x Flowey)Where stories live. Discover now