The Prince's Return

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It was quite strange and, for the monsters, exciting when the Prince came walking down the street alongside Y/N, Frisk,Undyne,Alphys,sans,PAPYRUS,Toriel,and Asgore. Half the city came running up to Asriel asking for autographs. Eventually, everyone ran inside Toriel's house to get away from the crowd. Asriel had to pull Y/N in the house because Y/N was being flooded by the crowd.

When everyone was inside and accounted for and the door was locked, Y/N was able to get a good look at the prince. He was quite different from Flowey. Flowey was cute and adorable, but the prince, he was hot. *D-dont say t-that! He's t-the p-prince!* Y/N scolded themself. But he was. He was tall, his fur was a beautiful white. His eyes were a brilliant green. Y/N's face was so hot that they might have been able to cook an egg on their face. "O-oh m-m-my..." Y/N said to themself. Asriel turned to Y/N and said, "Listen Y/N, I understand if you might want to break up after this happening, but I hope that we can continue our relationship, if not, I hope we can be friends." Is he kidding? After this, all the doubts in Y/N's mind about dating him disappeared. He also seemed like a nice guy. "No,no I-I don't m-mind." Y/N was studdering. "Then you don't mind me doing this?" What was he- Asriel then proceeded to kiss Y/N, on the lips.


And this was NO puny kiss. It was a kiss of PASSION!!!PAAAAAASSSSSIIIOOONNNNNN!!!!! The only other kiss Y/N had done on this scale was when Y/N and Flowey first kissed. And this one was LONGER than that one.

Anyway, when they broke apart, Y/N was looking like they had just been dropped into a boiling pot of boiling water. Their face was burning up. "Wow"

Everyone was ready to go to sleep, walking to the mountain and back made everyone tired. so everyone went into their rooms and Y/N and asriel went on the couch and drifted to sleep.

im scari.

Love, not LOVE... (Reader x Flowey)Where stories live. Discover now