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 "Ugh, my head, What?" Y/N looked around. All the saw was the throne room and Flowey. Flowey looked up. "Morning, Sunshine!" A plate of bacon was sitting beside Y/N, wow, it's still warm too! "I made you breakfast. Also like the WHOLE city came over to apologize, apparently some guy made a statement about you that moved the whole city or whatever. I ran them off saying that you needed your beauty sleep." Flowey explained. "W-what? They wanted to apologize?" Y/N asked. "Yea." Flowey answered like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Y/N then remembered something. "Hey Flowey?" "What?" All right, here goes. "Are you ready to be in a relationship yet? If your not I understand. I just thought, y'know, if you have half a soul, you must have feelings, right? And i-" But Y/N was cut off by Flowey. "Actually, I was just thinking about that. And yea, I think I'm ready. " Then he looked up at Y/N's forehead. "Ouch, that's a bad bruise.Oh yea, and, uh, your apartment burned down yesterday." 

"WHAT?!?!?" Y/N wasn't sure they heard that right. They were HOMELESS? "It was bad, too. Luckily no one got hurt." Flowey said. "It's ok, I'm staying with Frisk and their friends. That reminds me..." Right then 3/4's of a monster soul appeared. "It's growing. I don't really want to know what will happen when it gets full." And at that the soul was gone. "I'm going to Frisk's house, wanna come?" "What other choice do I have."


This is probably gonna be the last really short chapter. In the next chapter something SUPER BIG happens. Thanks for watching!


Love, not LOVE... (Reader x Flowey)Where stories live. Discover now