Suspicions,Gossip, and L.O.V.E.

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What was he getting himself into? "Pfft, it's not like it's gonna LAST long." Flowey said to himself in the darkness of the cave. To be honest, whenever Flowey thought of the fact that he kissed Y/N made him feel weird. He wasn't exactly SURE how he's feeling all these emotions, after all he's soulless,right? "Whatever." Flowey shook off those thoughts.

As for seeing Y/N, He didn't like to think about it.If they came back to see him again,they would both have to acknowledge they fact that...that...happened. Still, something in him wouldn't let him NOT want to see them again. He just wished that he was soulless AND emotionless. Having emotions are just a burden. *Then again......* Flowey looked  around at the cavern. *I wonder what the city looks like now.* Flowey had only seen Frisk's house, and they lived on the outskirts. Flowey peeked outside and took a good, long look at the distant city. "Maybe I should get out of this cavern for a while." It had been a long time since he had an adventure. The last time he had a good one was when he and Chara- *Chara* Right, them...

He missed Chara so much. Chara was the only one who understood him. "J-just don't think about it." Chara would have wanted him to adventure, to explore the unknown. 

So down he went into the ground and headed for the city.

(Meanwhile, in Y/N POV)

Y/N sat in their boring bedroom on their boring bed and thought of the one thing they wished they forget, Flowey. Y/N was SO confused. Was Flowey and Y/N a couple or did they just like each other with some sort of school crush? Did they even like each other? Did they not, NOT like each other? "Ugh, why did I have to go and do that? We could have had a serious talk. And I messed it up because lord KNOWS why." There was a battle between love and fear going on inside of them.Neither of them was winning, or losing. Should they go see him again? Maybe. Probably. At that point Y/N knew that they were going to go see him again, but still... Maybe they could take flowey somewhere nice? Ugh, no. just talk to him,? how could they when they're THIS conflicted? No, they WERE going to socialize with him, dangit! Y/N got up, put on a coat, and headed out the door.

They were halfway to the mountain when Y/N saw something. It was...Flowey? He was looking in one of the shops that sold mostly guns, knives and other weapons of sorts. (Legally of course.)

Y/N started to walk over to Flowey, but with every step, their legs felt more and more like jelly.

"Hey Flowey" Flowey turned around and once he saw who it was, he immediately started to sweat. "Oh, howdy" "What's up? I didn't know you visit the city." *Of course he doesn't you idiot! what kind of effort at small talk was that?* Y/N yelled at them self internally. "F-first...time." Flowey said like he wished he could be ANYWHERE else right now. 






Y/N had to say SOMETHING. "This is only as weird as we make it Flowey."

"Oh really?" Flowey sighed, "I guess, I just need time to think. I'm gonna take a long look at the city. See ya." and off he went.

Y/N was going to head back home until they heard a voice behind them. "what was that about?"Y/N spun around. It was Sans and Frisk. Oh no. "W-well, uh, n-nothing" Y/N said, made an excuse to walk back home.

The next day, everyone at a Y/N's job was saying that Y/N and the most despicable monster was in a relationship.



No updates tomorrow! Sorry guys.

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