Back to the...Underground?!

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The first thing Y/N saw was him,the flower.

Y/N awoke with a start and looked around at their boring, dull room.

*I don't have any plants in here, even if I did why would they be watching me sleep?*

"I'm going crazy"

Y/N got up and made some coffee. (Sorry if you don't drink coffee lol)

"Let's see whats on TV today."

They then sat and watched some of Mettaton until they thought of something that they wouldn't think they'd think about.(Think-ception)

*I wonder what Flowey is doing right now...*

"Like I care..."

But still...What WAS Flowey doing, Y/N wondered.

"I know that the front door is safe, just not the hole I fell down."

They just needed to go through the exit where the monsters left, yea, super easy.

"Just a peek couldn't hurt"

As Y/N turned off their TV, put on a jacket, and headed out the door, they asked them self,

*what am I doing, I'm going BACK to the evil flower,great, I am officially INSANE."

But they didn't stop. Closer and closer they got to the cavern with the hole.

They took a few turns, and they were at the mountain.

"Great, now I just need to get AROUND the mountain" Y/N was getting tired.

But they kept going.

Finally, they reached the exit where they had come out last time.

They peeked into the cavern,and they could see the throne room.

Cautiously, they stepped into the throne room.Suddenly, they heard an all too familiar voice.

"You couldn't get enough of me could you?"

*Shoot, he knows I'm here*

Y/N tried to speak, but fear stopped them, instead, they just made a terrified squeak.

"Why did you come back? You knew if you came back, that I would KILL you. Now leave. And don't come back."

As terrified as Y/N was, they refuse to go anywhere.This flower is all alone and they WERE going to help him.

"What? Do you think I can be SAVED? HA! I laugh at that notion." Flowey was poking fun at Y/N AND himself. Finally Y/N said something. "T-that's not f-funny..."

And then, they saw him pop out of a patch of grass right in front of Y/N.

"W-what happened to you..."

Flowey looked more frail, bits and pieces of his petals were torn, heck, a whole petal was gone! He was slumped over with his stem drooping down, and his stem was cut in places. He looked like he could break at the slightest touch.

"What do you mean..." Flowey asked innocently, like he had no idea what was wrong.

"Y-you're all torn."

"This? Not your problem."Flowey spat with a huge amount of hate. "Anyway, why are you here?"He asked.

"I had a q-question" Y/N was scared beyond comprehension, he could kill them, or maybe he's able to control minds, or erase memories! The possibilities were endless!

"Ask away, then G E T O U T." He said while smiling sadistically.

"W-why didn't y-you come up t-to the surface with everyone else?" Y/N asked curiously.

" Of course that's your question."

"I didn't leave with them because ..... they used me....." Flowey was different when he said that.Less cruel. If Y/N had to put it in a word it would be....sociable.

"How?" Y/N pushed further

"Well....sure, Frisk didn't kill me, but at first it was just a pity spare. I saw them, too. After they beat me in my omega form, then pity spared me, they tried to go back.They tried to kill me."

"That's terrible!"Y/N lied through their teeth.

"I'm not done. I was too fast for them. They thought I would absorb the souls again,but they forgot, I can remember resets. So I just killed the king again and left the souls alone. After that I got the idea to tell them to reset and how to get their, 'Happy Ending. 'So I gathered all of the monsters in the underground, put the main ones after toriel, y'know, Sans, Papyrus, Undyne,etc.And you know what happens next."Flowey explained.

"They used me. I was nothing more than a tool."Flowey said to himself.

Y/N didn't know how to respond.They felt bad for Flowey. "I don't think you're just a tool."

And now Flowey didn't know how to respond. "Thanks."

"Your welcome." Y/N replied.

Then Flowey said something.....surprising.

"You know, you don't HAVE to leave right now, I mean, it's pretty obvious I'm not gonna kill you.And it's pretty lonely down here."

Y/N then said something even more surprising, "Sure."

. . .

So all afternoon Y/N and Flowey talked and talked and talked, had some tea, and when the day was over, they said their goodbyes and went separate ways.

But it wasn't over. They continued this, coming over to the mountain every afternoon to talk, for a month. And Flowey kept feeling something.....odd, when the human came over.

Flowey didn't know it, and would have denied it if he did but.....

Flowey had fallen for the human.

Love, not LOVE... (Reader x Flowey)Where stories live. Discover now