Y/N sees the end.

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It had been 2 months since Y/N had the little run-in with Flowey. Now the only time that Y/N got up was to go to work, until Muffet saw that everyone was harassing Y/N at work, tried to fix it, and ended up sending them home for at least 2 months, and that was a week ago. EVERYONE was harassing Y/N and calling them names like , "Weed Lover! Evil Spirit! PEST!" Everyone on social media was talking and berating Y/N nonstop. Y/N's social media account was taken down BY THE COMPANY, THE COMPANY! The only people who supported them was Frisk and their gang. Everyday Y/N thought, "They would be happier without me." Y/N was just a burden to Frisk and their friends, or at least that's what they thought. Y/N had fell into the never-ending hurricane that is depression.Until one day their mind strayed to Chara. They knew why Chara had fell down, it was because they wanted to end their life. Eventually they decided they would go the path with Chara. After all, they would be able to see Dad again. (That's depressing, why did I write that?) They put on their fluffy coat, and headed to Mt. Ebott. Of course, right when they stepped out, people started to yell at them and called them names. They started running to The Mountain when they heard someone. It was a woman, and she was yelling, "What? Are you gonna commit suicide and jump?" in a sarcastic tone. And Y/N responded, "THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT IM DOING! GOOD GUESS!" and ran off to The Mountain.

They were in front of the hole. "Those flowers would have wilted by now." (They actually did.) This was it. Before they could get scared and turn back, they jumped and fell into the darkness.

No one saw them again that day.

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