♥♥♥Chapter Five♥♥♥

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Hi guys, here's chapter five.. hope you like it. I'm actually at school right now and typing this part during my class..  I know that I just updating yesterday.. so here's another update for my readers.. thank u. don't forget to vote please.. follow me..

Does anyone have any idea for the cast of this story.


Sorry for any typos.. I'll correct them maybe later when I get home.. OMG class from 8am-10pm :(

Love lots.. mgktn15 :)

♥Ken's POV♥


"Ken what's with the smirk?" Yssa asked me.

"I'm just thinking of something Yssa," I replied. "Hey can I borrow your phone?"

"Ah, sure," she said handing her mobile phone over to me. "Why do you need it?" she asked.

"I'm gonna text Phia. Ran out of load," I lied.

♥ end of flashback♥

So I borrowed Yssa's mobile phone during assembly yesterday. For what? To text Phia? Nah. I had to lie to Yssa. The only reason I borrowed her phone was to change the time on her alarm clock. She's going to kill me for doing that but I had to. Why? I signed her up for the drama club. Yeah she'll definitely kill me. It's our senior year and she's been hanging around with me and the guys since freshmen year. I think she needs more friends. I don't mean just us guys but sometimes I thing she need to live in a girl's point of view once in a while. Even just for this year. I don't want to change her. I want her to experience hanging out with girls too. Not just us boys.

Phia's President of the drama club. My girlfriend. I don't love her or anything but I really like her compared to the past girlfriends I've had. She's not clingy like those other girls. I know she'll be a good friend to Yssa. I don't want Yssa to be friends with some stuck up bitch and some dramatic gal. Over protective right? I know Yssa's a big girl now. Hahaha. Girl, what a thought. She can handle anyone. I just want her to be in the right girl crowd. And Phia's a great catch.

Yssa really pretty. She just doesn't know how to show her features and figure. She's pretty hot. Well she knows that but she doesn't care. I hate it when people call her a tomboy when actually she's not at all. She's just all boyish. After her mother died she had no womanly figure to guide her. I know how much it hurts her. I saw her when she first moved into the neighborhood. I was biking around the neighborhood that exact moment I saw her. She was sitting underneath the tree outside her front yard. I wanted to approach her. She looked so pretty but she looked so sad. Suddenly she started crying. Tears were flowing from her eyes. She was holding something. I wanted to approach her but I felt too scared to. She threw thing she was holding and ran into her house. I got of my bike and picked up the object that she threw onto the ground. It was a picture. Of her and her mother. On the back of the picture something was written.

"My Little Princess Yssa, I love you so much! Don't ever change who you are."

Yssa. Don't ever change who you are.

I think her mother's death changed everything about her.


Knock Knock Knock

"Daddy, someone's at the door,"

"Ok princess, I'll get it."

Footstep approach the front door and the door swung open.

"Ah, Robert. What brings you over?" the man questioned. "Oh and this must be your wife."

"John, we heard the news, so you moved back?" Robert asked. "We give our deepest sympathy and condolences. And yes this is Claire my wife."

John shook Claire out stretch hand.

"It's nice to finally meet you," he said to Claire and then turned to Robert.  "I don't know what to say to that Robert. This is really hard for me and Yssa. It's better for us to live here than there. The memories are too much to handle. We miss her so much." His voice was full of sadness.  "Oh, and who's this young man?"

"This is Paul, he's my youngest son," my dad said pulling me from behind my mum, Claire.

"Daddy who's at the door," a girl round nine years old ran to the door. She stood there next to her father. Immediately I recognized her. She was the one crying under the sycamore tree around 3 days ago. The picture that she threw onto the ground I kept it hidden away in my room. I don't know why I hid it. But I some kind of intuition that I that to hide it. She looked different.

"Hi I'm Cyn," she announced to us with confidence.

"Yssa, princess, this is Uncle Robert, he's my best friend. Aunt Claire and Paul their youngest son."

"Dad, it's Cyn not Yssa." She said and gave a smile to him. Her eyes glistened with sadness but she was putting a tough act on.

"Darling why don't you take Paul in with you and show him around." Her father said to her.

"Hey, Paul," she called out to me. "Dude let's play on the playstation." She said grinning. She seemed cheerful but I just couldn't' shake the fact that I knew she was bothered with her mother's death. Did she just call me dude?

"Ah, alright," I said back to her.

We got along well quite well. From that day on we became bestfriends.

♥end of flashback♥

 Never did I see her cry after that time I saw her under the tree crying. It's like her mum did not pass away at all. All pictures and memories of her mum were hidden away. One time I slept over at Yssa's place. She fell asleep after us playing a game on her playstation. Uncle John was out on a business trip. He trusts me to stay over with Yssa. I actually have a whole wardrobe full of clothes here. I decided to carry Yssa to her room. I was quite strong for a 13 year old boy. Or maybe Yssa was really light at that time. She was petite. So I lay her down on her bed. Near her bed was a side table with drawers from the top to bottom. As I looked down there was something sticking out of the last drawer. The one right at the bottom. Curiosity caught the cat. I pulled open the drawer to find a box full of memories of her mother. She had pictures of her mother and herself. She seemed different in those pictures. Happier. Her smile showed joy. What can I say? I wish her to be like that at this moment. Too see that smile she once had. 8 years has gone by. Yeah I see she's happy now. But I don't think it will hurt her to try. That tough act she's always given. The barrier she has created. I think it's time for her to experience what she could have experience if her mother was still alive. I have no sister but I love her as my sister. She knows that.

There's Yssa walking towards me. She looks mad. Might as well spring up the news to her.

"Yssa, I signed you up for the drama club."


"I signed you up for the drama club," I repeated.

"Are you out of your mind? What the heck? What are you playing at Ken. Ken what the fudge?"

"I'll explain everything later Yssa, you know the rules, once you have signed up you can't sign out. I can write in your penmanship. You're late for class. I'll see you at lunch. Come on Yssa, what are bestfriend for, I want the best for you, you know I love you. See you later." I said to her and walked away. I'll explain everything later. As I walked away I pulled out the picture of her and her mother from my bag. The one she threw away.

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