Chapter 1

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As I try to get the strength to get out of bed and get ready for school, I think to myself " today is going to be a good day, I am somebody and nothing is going to get me down or in my way". Her name is Dawn, and this is her life and every aspect, along with her insecurities, mentality, anxiety, and her everyday obstacles. As she gets ready for as she calls "7 hours of mental abuse" she has this unsettling feeling in her stomach, she has this gut-wrenching feeling every day before she heads off to school.

She walks into her bathroom to finish her daily routine, she stops to look at herself in the mirror. Today was one of those days that she could tolerate how she looks without feeling sick to her stomach. " You're going to be okay and you look good today," She says trying to convince herself she'll be okay as she brushes her teeth. " Good Morning to you too dawn," my mom says crossing her arms across her chest and scowling. I laugh and give my mom a big hug ." Good morning mom" " mmhm, You look cute, who you trying to look cute for," she says while side-eyeing me.

" No one mom just felt like dressing up today," I say. " Okay baby, you better hurry up before your da--". " Dawn, come on dawn, you're going to make everyone late" My dad yells interrupting my mom. "Told you, I love you dawn have a good day," she says laughing. " Love you too," I say running down the stairs. I take a breath before I head out the door to calm myself down because I know today will be like any other, pure hell.

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