A Bigger Problem

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Aria walked into her house and her mother stood to greet her.

"Aria, we have to talk."

She paused and turned to her mother. "Mom, I'm so sorry I ditched school, but Spencer needed us and Paige said she would ex-"

Ella held up a hand. "I know and she did, which is why I need to talk to you." Ella gestured to the couch in the living room.

"Can it wait? I just came to get a change of clothes. Emily and Hanna have plans tonight so I offered to watch over Spencer."

Ella nodded. "That's fine, but this is about Spencer and it can not wait. Sit."

Aria furrowed her eyebrows in concern and walked over to sit with her mother and talk.

Ella sighed and thought of a way to tell Aria what she knew, but could not say even if Aria was Spencer's best friend because it was told to her in confidence as one of Spencer's teachers.

Aria blinked. "Mom?"

Ella sighed again. "Honey, Spencer has a problem."

Aria nodded. "I know. We just found out and I'm glad Paige told you so we can talk about it, but I can't talk about this right now." Aria stood, but her mother reached out and pulled her back down.

"No, sweetie, a bigger problem. Something you don't know about. I've known for awhile, but I wasn't allowed to tell you. I was told under parent, teacher confidentially. I'm sorry." She took a deep breath. "Spencer has a problem..." She paused for a moment knowing her daughter would not take this news well. "...with amphetamines."

Aria gaped at Ella. "What? Spencer?! That is crazy, mom!" She exclaimed. "I know she is a stresshead, but a drug freak I won't believe."

"It's true. All of Spencer's teachers were told incase she fell back into old habits. About two years ago her parents had to ask the school for help, which is why the teachers were informed,  because she was overusing her prescription pills. She got help, but with situations like this there is always the chance of a relapse and if that's what this is, with the addition of self harm, I am going to have to tell her parents."

Aria nodded. "I'll talk to her. I'll tell Em and Han. If that's what this is then I'll tell you right away. I promise." Aria declared.

Ella nodded. "Alright. You can go. Keep me updated on Spencer. I worry about her, she isn't herself these days." Ella gave her a sad smile and Aria nodded.

"I will." She hugged her mom and got up to leave. "I want to be mad at you for not telling me before, but I understand why you couldn't." She said before she left. Ella sighed.

"I'm relieved it's not my daughter, and yet..." Ella took a deep breath. "...I'm not relieved at all."

Aria arrived at Spencer's house to find Emily and Hanna still outside.

When they dropped by earlier Spencer's car wasn't there so they decided to wait instead of going back to school. Aria and Emily were against it for awhile, but Hanna had convinced them.

"Still no Spencer?" Aria asked getting out of her car and walking over to her friends on the steps.

"Not a word. No car, no text back, no phone call." Hanna rattled off.

Aria frowned. "This really isn't like her. My mom thinks she might be..." She sighed. "...strung out."

Emily blinked. "Spencer?"

"Yeah, I find the harming herself thing to be a little believeable, but drugs?"

Aria nodded. "Apparently she had a problem with it about two years ago. It was serious enough that her parents had to ask the school for help. All of Spencer's teachers were-" Aria cut herself off. "Ezra knew about this too?!"

"Maybe he just couldn't tell you like your mom couldn't?" Emily tried.

Aria huffed. "My mom I understand, but Ezra should have told me!"

"Maybe with all this son stuff he forgot about-" Hanna tried to help.

"This son stuff is new! Spencer has been my best friend longer than Ezra has been my boyfriend, he should have told me!"

Hanna sighed. "I have to go meet Caleb and there is no sign of Spencer."

"Go, Aria and I will wait."

Hanna nodded and stood. "If Spencer is some self harming druggie than we are gonna need more help to deal with this and -A better just lay off til we fix Spencer!" She yelled.

"Hanna, quiet." Emily said. Hanna just left. "I don't think Spencer is on drugs. Maybe back then she was, but I don't think she would do that again."

Aria sat down beside Emily. "I don't know Em. Something is not right. Something is going on with her and I don't know what it is, but she isn't acting like Spencer."

Emily nodded. "I know, well I can wait an hour then I have to go meet Paige. We have a pool date tonight." She smiled.

Aria smiled too. "I'm glad you have Paige, Em. I've never seen you happier."

"Yeah, I never thought I could be this happy, but now I can't stop smiling, but you have Ezra so you know what I mean."

"Yep." Aria's smile faded. "I have Ezra and he has Maggie and Malcom."

Emily gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure that will all work out the way it should, don't worry about it too much."

"Yeah, you're right. It will all work out the way it should." Aria smiled again, but this time it was weaker.

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