It's Not What You Think

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Caleb was waiting for close to an hour when he saw the door open.

"Finally, they could have come back before you got here." He snapped at the small girl.

"Just go get Spencer and put her on the couch. She's too heavy."

Caleb rolled his eyes. "The things I do for you, crazy girl."

She smirked. "You're whipped."

He smirked back. "Indefinitely." He gave her a quick kiss then he went to get Spencer from the car.

Melissa hung up the phone while walking to their living room, but she froze when she saw the girl in their living room. She was ready to confront her, fight her, even beat the crap out of her, but when she saw Caleb walk through the doors with her little sister in his arms she froze. She quietly moved out of sight and pressed her back up to the wall.

"You should leave before they get back or worse Toby gets here." He said placing Spencer on the couch." He turned to the small girl. "What did you do to her?"

"Nothing. You did it."

"What? All I did was go get her and bring her to you."

"No. You made sure her van was parked at the cliff, drugged her, and brought her to me so that they would all go out looking for her thinking she had killed herself. I told you before, I won't kill them, I need them, mainly Spencer. But I want them to suffer first, most importantly to realize the reason why."

"You are so twisted."

"You love it."

"Always. Now, go." He grabbed her and kissed her, not seeing Melissa peeking around the corner. "Quickly, before they come back and see us together."

"I know. I'm gone." She said walking out of the double doors.

He watched her leave then he turned back to Spencer.

Melissa crept away from the wall and over to the bookshelf. She grabbed a book end and snuck up behind him cautiously.

He groaned then fell to the floor.

"Caleb?! What the hell did you-" She heard a shout from the door.

"Toby, it's not what it looks like!"

"You just attacked him from behind! I saw you!" He yelled.

"It's not what you think!" She yelled back dropping the object.

Toby glanced over and saw Spencer on the couch. "What did you do to her?!" He shouted.

"Nothing! He did it!" Melissa shouted trying to explain.

Toby ran to Spencer. "Spence? Are you okay? Wake up."

"Toby, please, let me explain. I would never hurt my sister! Even when we don't get along I still protect her! I always protect her! This is not what you think!"

Toby stood and faced her angrily. "I saw you hit him! Spencer is unconscious! You're working with Mona, aren't you?!" He got closer and she backed up.

"No! He is! Toby, please, just listen to me!" She begged. "Please, for just five minutes."

Toby's nostrils flared, but he took a deep breath to calm himself. "Five minutes. Explain. Now."

Melissa told him everything she saw and heard before she hit Caleb in the back of the head.

"I don't believe you." He spat. "Caleb is dating Hanna! He loves her like I love Spencer! He is our friend! He's a good guy!"

"He is the one working with Mona! He kissed her! He is dating her! He took Spencer to Mona and waited here until Mona brought her back!"

Toby was in denial and very angry. He kept looking from Caleb on the floor to Melissa. He didn't want to believe her. Caleb called him and told him to come here for Spencer. But Melissa was in tears right now, begging him to believe her, shouting at the top of her lungs that she would never hurt her sister.

"Toby, please, believe me." She choked out through her tears.

Toby looked at Caleb again. He took a deep breath and sat down in a chair at the island. "I do."

Melissa broke into a relieved smile. "Thank you, Toby."

He shook his head. "Doesn't mean they will, especially not Hanna. You'll need proof." Melissa looked down and gulped. "We'll need proof." Toby said making her look up again.

He walked over to Caleb and lifted him up. "Bring a chair over here." He ordered and Melissa obeyed. He sat Caleb up in the chair. "Got any rope or tape?"

Melissa nodded and went to go get some. Toby stared at Caleb trying desperately to read his mind, but he couldn't do that.

Melissa came back with both. She started wrapping the rope around both Caleb and the chair as Toby taped his hands down.

"Toby?!" He heard Emily yell.

"Caleb?! What the hell are you two doing?!" He heard Hanna's angry and confused shouts.

He turned after he finished taping Caleb to the chair.

"It's not what you think." Toby said. Hanna stormed over to free Caleb, but Toby grabbed her arm. "Stop. It's not what you think. I need to talk to him without him running off and this was all I could think of. He's fine."

Hanna scoffed. "He's knocked out! How is that fine?!"

"That was me." Melissa admitted.

Hanna glared at her. "What?"

"It's not what you think."

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