Dark and Blurry

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A car followed Spencer's van down the road and up to the cliff that Mona and Spencer fought at.

When her van parked the car drove up behind it and parked as well.

Spencer walked over to the edge of the cliff. "I should have fallen, not Mona. I deserved it."

Someone walked up behind Spencer slowly as she inched her feet closer and closer off the edge.

She closed her eyes and prepared to jump when she felt a hand grab her arm and pull her back.

Her eyes snapped open, but before she could see who it was they covered her mouth and she blacked out in their arms.

They dragged her body over to their car and put her in the backseat. Then they got in the front seat and drove off.

"This is for your own good, Spencer." A voice said in the darkness.

A hand pulled down a black hood and they turned their attention to the bottle of chloroform in the passenger's seat.

The hand went to the knob to turn on the radio, music flooded through the speakers in the car.

🎶 ...Don't let memories go of me and you, The world is down there out of view, Please Don't Jump! Don't Jump!... and if all that can't hold you back, then I'll jump for yoooouuu 🎶

The song stopped, the car parked, and the hand turned the key to turn off the car. The person got out and opened the back of the car to get Spencer out, she started groaning.

Her eyes fluttered open as she felt herself being dragged across grass.

"C-Caleb?" She questioned then she blacked out again as he dragged her.

He carried her through a door and laid her down on a couch. "Ssh. It's okay, Spencer. Get some rest." He said then he stood and walked away from her.

Her eyes fluttered open again, but her vision was blurry. She glanced over and saw Caleb talking to a brunette girl. "Thatsss not H-Hanna."

He walked back over and sat down by her feet. He leaned in to her, but he still looked blurry.

"Spencer? You awake?" He asked shaking her. He got no response and stood again. "She's out."

"Good, she needs rest. You can go Caleb. You did your job well, thank you."

He took a deep breath. "Hanna never finds out about this, right?"

"Right." The girl nodded.

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