In His Calming Embrace

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They had been looking for close to an hour and every place they thought she would be she wasn't there. They were getting more worried as the minutes ticked away.

"What if we can't find her? What if she's already-" She sighed.

"She's not. We'll find her."

"How did it get this bad? Why didn't she ever tell us?! We can't help her if she doesn't even tell us! And now it might be too late! She might be-"

"Aria!" Jason yelled to snap her out of what was turning into a hysterical panic. He moved closer so there was almost no space between them. "We are going to find her. She is still alive. We just have to keep thinking that and we have to keep looking."

Aria shook her head and let tears fall. "Jason, I want to think positive too, but Spencer is lost and alone and who knows what she might do?" She started crying, shaking, so he wrapped his arms around her and held her.

"I know how much you love her, but I promise you won't lose her. She'll be okay again we just have to find her first. We have to keep looking."

He felt water drop down his cheek and knew it couldn't be from the tiny girl in his arms. He thought maybe he was also crying, but then he felt it on his head. He looked up just as it starting pouring down.

Aria pulled her head off his chest and looked up. "It's raining now?"

Jason nodded. "Yeah. We better find her soon."

Aria's phone went off, but she couldn't reach for it. She realized Jason's arms were still around her and so did he so he quickly let her go and she pulled away awkwardly to get her phone out of her pocket and answer it.

"Hanna?... What?... Is Spencer there?" Aria looked over at Jason and he saw fear in her eyes. "Okay... Don't worry... We will find her... Bye."

"What is it?" He asked.

Aria gulped. "Spencer's van is parked at a cliff, but Spencer isn't there."

"That's a good thing."

Aria shook her head. "No, it's not. She was taken."

Jason gaped at her. "By who?! Why?!" Aria flinched when he yelled. "Sorry. What is going on?"

Aria pushed her wet hair out of her face. "Hanna thinks that -A took her."

"Mona has Spencer?... Why?! I don't understand this, Aria!" Jason yelled.

"Mona or whoever is helping her, and we don't understand it either! It's scary, Jason! It's like they want us dead, but they don't want to kill us! They just want us to suffer! Forever! We have already suffered for two years, but it's like we can never be finished with this never-ending torment! This punishment for stuff that Ali did, but we stood by and let her so we have to pay the price!" Aria yelled as she cried.

Jason frowned. He didn't know how much they went through. He sighed then he pulled Aria back into his arms not caring if it was awkward, but it wasn't. It was calm.

Aria cried into his chest again and he held her close. He didn't say anything this time and neither did she. They just stood, in a comfortable silence, out in the rain.

After a moment he pulled away and she looked up at him. "We should go." He said and she nodded. He let her go and turned.

"Jason-" He turned back to look at her. "Thanks."

He nodded and gave her a small smile. She smiled back gratefully.

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