It's Alright

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Someone slowly walked up to Aria as she sat on Spencer's back steps. She looked like she had fallen asleep, she looked very vulnerable just laying on the back porch with her purse under her head.

The person leaned down and reached their hand out towards her arm.

"Aria?" They tapped her.

She jolted awake. "Spencer?!... Oh, hey."

"Hey. What are you doing out here?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, just waiting for Spencer to get home. Did you see her, Jason?"

He nodded. "Haven't seen her in a couple days. Last time I saw her we had a not so pleasant talk."

Aria sat up and Jason sat down beside her.

"What happened?"

Jason sighed. "Well I saw her at the atm taking out a lot of money and I-"

"A lot? Like how much?"

Jason frowned and looked over at her. "You seem worried, something going on? Is Spencer okay because she seemed off."

Aria sighed. "No. She isn't." She blinked back tears and Jason laid a comforting hand on her knee. "We're worried that she could be hurting herself and my mom is worried she may be doing drugs... again."

"Again?" Jason wondered becoming worried also.

Aria nodded. "She had a problem before, but no one was allowed to know, except her family and teachers of course, my mom just told me."

Jason nodded, he looked thoughtful. "That might explain all the money."

Aria's face fell. "You think she's buying drugs?"

Jason shrugged and sighed. "She might be. It was a decent chunk of change and she seemed in a hurry to get away from me, I even grabbed her arm, just to get her to stop and she winced."

Aria frowned. "In pain?"

Jason solemnly nodded. "Yeah, I think you guys might be right about her hurting herself." Jason sighed. "But I doubt she'll listen to you about it. She said you aren't friends."

Aria snapped her head to him and gaped at him. "What do mean? We're best friends. We're Team Sparia!" She outburst.

Jason blinked. "Team Sparia?" He chuckled, but when he saw her tears he cleared his throat. "I'm sure it's just part of whatever she's going through. I know you guys are all best friends."

Aria sniffed. "What did Spencer say, exactly?"

Jason sighed.

*Jason and Spencer*

Jason came out of his father's building and saw Spencer by the atm. He walked over to her and saw her taking a lot of money out of the atm.

"That's a decent chunk of change you got there." He commented. Spencer ignored him so he kept talking to her. "The police released Ali's remains to my parents. I'll see if I can get you and the other girls some time to say goodbye to her."

"Don't bother." Jason frowned. "I said all the goodbyes I want to say."

Spencer walked back to her van, but Jason followed her. "Do you have a prior engagement or something? She was your best friend!"

Spencer opened her door. "No, she wasn't. None of us were friends we were just her puppets!"

Jason moved closer. "What does that even mean? What's going on with you, Spencer?"

Spencer wouldn't answer. She tried to get in her car, but Jason grabbed her arm to stop her. She hissed and winced.

"You got something to say Spencer, just say it."

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