The Funeral

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Aria slipped on her black dress and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like she hasn't slept in days, her eyes red from crying with dark circles under them. She sighed.

He walked up behind her. "Are you ready to go?" He whispered softly kissing he cheek. He stood behind her in the full body mirror and looked at his reflection, his sad reflection in a black suit. "We have to be there soon."

"I know, but I'm not ready." Aria blinked back tears. "How could I ever be ready? How can I say goodbye to my best friend?" The tears fell anyway and she sniffed. "How could she do this to us? How could she think we didn't want her around anymore?"

He wrapped his arms around her middle and rested his head gently on her head. "I don't know. She was- She was too far gone by time we found out. We tried to help her, but-"

"She didn't try." Aria sighed. "Let's go. I don't want to, but Emily and Hanna are gonna need me there." She turned around and took a moment to just be in his arms. "I love you, Jason. Thank you for being my rock through this."

He leaned down and gave her a quick peck. "I love you too. I always have."

Aria blinked and pulled away, suddenly she was at a funeral she didn't want to be at, saying goodbye to someone she wished was still alive.

It was harder than Alison's funeral. Part of her didn't care that Alison was dead and part of her thought she might still be alive, but this was different. Spencer was gone.

It hurt to think that she would never see Spencer again. Never hug her, never laugh with her, never have her in her life again. It hurt to think about her furture and know Spencer would not be in it. She wouldn't be at her wedding to her brother. Aria thought looking down at her engagement ring. She wouldn't be at Spencer's wedding to Toby. She thought looking over at Toby, wearing the shirt Spencer took from him under his black jacket, tears streaming doen his face. She wouldn't even have kids with her friend's kids and watch them all grow up together and become best friends like them.

Aria let more tears fall and Jason squeezed her hand. She looked down at the ring on her finger again. She tried to smile, but she was too heartbroken from losing Spencer.

When she looked up the coffin was being lowered into the ground and they were in a graveyard instead of the church. She didn't understand why everything seemed to be moving so fast. Why Hanna wasn't talking to her friends, she was trying to hide that she was sipping from a flask. Why Emily was clinging to Paige as if she would lose her next. Why Jason was her date and her fiancee as if they went just at Spencer's lake house.

She walked over to the hole in the ground and didn't see the coffin anymore, but she saw Spencer. She was just laying in the hole with her eyes closed. "Spencer?! Wake up!" She yelled, but Spencer didn't move.

"Spencer!" She yelled as dirt was being thrown into the hole. She looked up and saw Spencer. "You're alive?! Spencer?! Say something!"

Spencer looked up at her, her eyes glassed over. "Help me, Aria."

"Spencer, how can I help you?! You're already dead!" Aria yelled out to her.

"Aria, help me." Spencer said as she shoveled more dirt ontop of her body.

"Wait- You're still in the hole?! How are you- What is going on here?!"

"Help me, Aria. Help me dig my grave. Help me bury myself." Spencer said throwing a shovel at Aria's feet.

"What?! No! Spencer, I'll save you! I promise! You won't die! Spencer!" Spencer stared at Aria then she fell to her knees and hurled. "Spencer?!"

Aria wanted to rush over to her best friend, but the hole grew until she was so far away that Spencer was a dot. "Spencer! I'll save you! Spencer!"

The ground collasped under Aria and she fell down into the open grave. She fell six feet down until she landed on a mound of dirt in front of Spencer whom looked to just be sleeping.

"Spencer? Are you alive? Wake up!"

Spencer's eyes shot open and she sat up. "Aria, what are you doing here?"

"Spencer, you're alive, but I was just at your funeral." Aria stuttered.

"My funeral?" Spencer slowly lifted her arms up and Aria could see blood gushing from her wrists. "My funeral."

"Spencer?!" Aria panicked.

"Aria, help me."

"I will! I promise! Spencer, I will!"

The blood filled the hole until Aria was drowning in it, she screamed and sputtered as the blood enveloped her. Spencer faded into the ground as the blood was rising up. Aria reached the surface again and tried to catch her breath. The hole was gone, the ground was solid, and Spencer was gone.

Aria looked around in fear, breathing heavily and shaking. She thought she would be soaked with blood, but it was just on her hands. She gulped.

"If she dies, her blood is on my hands." Aria panted out.

Aria woke up, panting, and looked over at the sofa. Spencer was sleeping soundly, she looked so peaceful.

"It was a dream. A nightmare." Aria gulped then she got up from the flood and walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water. Her hand was shaky as she brought the cup to her lips to drink it. She glanced down at the trash can by the refrigerator and noticed something was off.

"That's weird. The trash is gone." She whispered to herself. She looked over at Spencer, but the girl was still asleep, or at least she looked like she was. "Did she take the trash to look for that razor blade?" Aria frowned.

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