chapter 5

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Sunday came and went and before I realized, it was Monday once again. As my alarm blared in my ear, I shifted under my covers. With my eyes still closed, I felt around for my phone. Squinting my eyes open, I was greeted by the bright screen as I dragged the x across to turn off my 6 am alarm.

Barely being able to push myself out of bed, I shuffled over to my bathroom to take a quick shower. The hot water felt good on my skin. Stepping out of the shower once I was done was a nightmare. I air was crisp and cold. I rushed to pull on my freshly washed bath robe from the other day. Wrapped up in the soft fabric, I moved to stand in front of my closet. I was too lazy to actually look at my clothes, so I pulled out the first shirt my hand landed on; a plain black long sleeve shirt. Walking over to my dresser, I reached into my pants drawer and pulled out my green overalls.

When I was dressed, I went back into the bathroom and began to pin back my air. Twisting the front pieces of hair away from my face, I used Bobby pins to hold the twists in place. I pulled out a few front framing pieces. I quickly put on a bit of makeup, deciding that concealer and a bit of blush was the perfect amount as well as mascara and chapstick. Stepping back out of the bathroom and towards my dresser, I shifted through my jewelry box. It was something my grandma bought me when I was younger. I pulled out my constellation necklace and clipped it around my neck and layered it with my initial necklace; a 'n' for nirvana. I slipped on a few of my favorite rings before going back to my closet to grab one of my cardigans; the brown patch work one Bri had crocheted me.

Grabbing my back pack with my school stuff, I slipped my phone into my pocket and headed downstairs. Unlike the previous days, Mom was waiting for me with prepped breakfast. Instead, it was what I had gotten used to when she was away. Brighton was sitting at the table with a cup of coffee and a yogurt with raspberries and granola.


My sister looked up from the book she was reading. "Hey."

"Is Mom gone?" I asked, walking past her to make myself a bowl of cereal.

"Out of state, no. She's at work right now finding out if she's leaving again." I nodded even though she couldn't see it. "Row's at work. He got called in early so I have to take you to school today. Just let me know whenever you're ready to go."


I sat down in my seat next to her and ate my Cheerios. She continued to read her book and I stared at the crossword on my phone. I hated watching anything on my phone whenever she was reading. I felt like it disrupted her peace when it played.

Finishing up my breakfast, I put my dishes in the sink and headed to the front door to grab my Converse. When my shoes were on, I walked back over to my sister and grabbed my bag from the floor. "I'm ready."

"Kk," she said. She slipped her book mark between the pages and stood up. I looked down at her plaid pajama pants.

"Don't you have class today?"

She looked down at her pants knowing that's what I was staring at. "Nope," she said as she popped the 'p'. "Professor canceled class for today. Fortunately though, cause if he didn't you would be walking."

"Mhm." I hummed, turning away from her and walking to the front door. Even though I had my drivers' license, I didn't have a car. We had three cars. Mom's, which none of us were allowed to drive because it was relatively new. The other two cars unofficially belonged to the twins. Technically, we all shared the two cars, but considering I didn't really need a car and the twins were older, they got priority.

I slipped into the passenger seat of the white Mazda as Bri sat down in the driver's seat. I stared out the window. My eyes drifted over to the house next door; the house that Brad lived in. All of a sudden a dark red Jeep pulled up in front of his house. I could barely see the driver but based off of the license plate I knew that Jeep belonged to Trent. He was on the soccer team and at one point was one of the many boys that 'dated' Charlie.

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