Chapter 12

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His hand held hers like Con held mine. I smiled at the boy who interrupted my kiss. He glared daggers at the boy who kissed me. "How have you been?"

"Great, I didn't know you were going out." His teeth were gritted. Chloe continued to smile fakely at us, I returned the favor.

"Yeah. You know Connor. He's my boyfriend." My fingers gripped onto my unicorn while the others on my left hand held onto Con's. 

"Oh well, I hope you two have fun, we were just going to ride the ferris wheel, Right babe?" his girlfriend looked up at him.

"Mhm." her snotty hum filled the silence in a split second.

"We should head off too." Connor tugged my hand a bit whilst giving it a light squeeze. Together hand in hand we walked away from my neighbor.

Connor dropped me off at my house, but not before giving me a peck on the cheek. I waved goodbye as I entered my house. Quickly, I changed and fell asleep in minutes. 

It was 3 in the morning when I heard the sound of a guitar in my slumber. I rubbed away the sleepiness and walked to my window. Bradley sat in the middle of his floor strumming away. I could hear him hum a tune I had not heard of before. He pulled his head up. We locked eyes. His chocolate brown irises sparkled of excitement to see me I think. A smile tugged on his thin lips. Dimples that I loved formed immediately.

"Did I wake you Ana?"

"Yeah Bradley. I was having a really good dream."

"About Connor?" his question was out of the blue and kind of harsh.

I rolled my eyes, "No my dream was not about Connor. I am not so absorb with my relationship as some people are"

He got the hint, "yeah whatever."

The space between us fell silent. I watched as he rose from the floor. Brad put his guitar back and sat on his window sill. His feet dangled against the wall of his house. I sat on the comfortable cushions of my bay window seats. My legs pulled up towards my body with my arms wrapped around them.

"What were you dreaming about?"

We made eye contact for a split second.

"Josh Dun. He is one of my drum icons." I looked down at my feet. 

"From Twenty Øne Pilots?"


"Cool." he responded. the silence arrived once again. 

"I'm sorry for earlier."

"It's fine." I shrugged it off. I didn't really want to talk about.

He looked at me. I looked at him. "Anyways how was your date at the festival?" 

"It was fine. And yours?"

"I enjoyed it." To say the least, it was extremely awkward. "Bradley I'm tired I think I am going to go back to bed.

"Yeah I should too. See you in the morning?"

"Yeah. Night Bradley."

"Night Ana." I shut my window. The warmth of my bed once again consumed me.

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