Chapter 15

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Listen to Little Wonders by Rob Thomas while reading. Highly recommend!

The final box was loaded into my car. My arms wrapped around his neck. He pulled me close, "I'll miss you Ana."

"I'll miss you too, Love you."

"Love you too." My brother kissed my temple before I gave my sister and mother a hug. I was leaving for Los Angeles to go to UCLA. My light brown locks flowed down my back as I entered my car for the long drive to my new campus. I was headed to my future. I smiled as my car drove out of my hometown. A new beginning. A new me. 

It had been a year and a half since I last talked to Bradley, since I was dumped by Connor. I was heart broken for months, but I was able to get over it. The four boys formed a band. They were going back to England to open for McFly. Rowan was still best friends with James. He was the only one that I kept in touch with. Sad, but true. 

Don't get me wrong, I missed them. I missed what we shared. I missed our conversations, but being alone was easier. I knew that I wasn't going to be hurt. Maybe if things would have been different, I would be closer to them than ever. I might not be going to UCLA. I don't know. For now, I will let life take its course. 


The End


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