Chapter 9

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My phone continued to buzz until I slide it open. 

Hey meet me outside.

It was from Connor. I threw on my favorite gray cardigan on top of my cream skinny strap tank top and denim skinny jeans. I pulled on my black high top converse as I tumbled out of my room. No one was home so I left a sticky note on the fridge. As a gust of autumn air fell over me, I  noticed Connor leaned against his car. 

"Hey Condor."

"Nirv, let's go." he swung open the passenger side door for me. I slipped in and buckled up.

"So where are you taking me."

"On a date." he said casually. My eyes widened. My body turned to the boy who had already started to drive.


"I'm taking you on a date." His blue eyes glanced into my hazel ones for a split second before diverting back to the road ahead. 

"You never even asked me out."

Con reached for my hand, which I let him take, "Fine, Nirvana would you like to go on a date with me."

"It seems like I have no other choice Condor." I laughed lacing our fingers together. He smiled over at me. The music was turned down a tad so I blasted it instead. Girls/Girls/Boys blared through the speaker. Being me, I screeched the lyrics to the Panic at the Disco song. connor being him, screeched along with me.

"I like your voice." I said to him turning down the song so I didn't have to yell.

"I like yours too." He proclaimed. Heat rose to my cheeks as the words left his mouth. 

"Thanks." The car ride continued with our singing of Too Weird to Live Too Rare to Die. 

Connor pulled his car into the parking lot of an arcade. It was cute and fun. He grabbed my hand as we walked inside. "I have a bag of quarters and great arcade skills." He announced.

"Okay, which game first."

"Galaga for sure." I laughed at the boy's excitement and joined him over by the old game. 

"I have to warn you, i am really good." 

"Ok." What he didn't know was that I came here everyday after school with Rowan and Brighton in Elementary school and Jr. high. This just so happened to be my favorite game besides pac man. I watched him play. He got to level 4 which was impressive for a first try.

"Wanna try. I bet you aren't going to be as good as me though."

"Sure, what do you wanna bet?"

I stared into Con's eyes. He carried a devious smile. "A kiss."

"And if I beat you, you have to buy me a soft pretzel from the snack bar. Deal?"

"Deal" He took my small hand in his and shook it. I took 50 cents from the bag of change and plopped it in. The game started and all of my focus surrounded it. I ended up getting to level 5.


"I forgot to mention that I used to play this as a kid with Row and Bri." I giggled.


"Mhm," I took his hand in mine as I dragged him to the snack bar and ordered a pretzel and soda. He ordered some nachos. We sat in a booth and ate our food. I was finding myself growing onto Connor. I was actually really happy that he asked me out.

The last of my salty pretzel entered my mouth, "Where to next?"



Con glanced over at me as we walked to the game, "Are you amazing at this too?"

My eyes traveled to his. I smiled at the boy who had asked me out. "Maybe, maybe not" This caused him to glare and me laugh. I pulled out some quarters to start the game. This continued the entire afternoon. It was fun.

"Thanks." I said to Con as he drove me home.

"No problem, it was fun yeah?"


"Want to do it next weekend?"

"Mhm" I hummed making circles on the back of his hand. I wanted to be with Connor. 

He dropped me off in front of my house. We stood besides his car.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school?" I asked.

"Of course." I smiled at him. Unexpectedly he kissed my cheek. His lips were soft on my skin.


"Bye" I walked across the lawn to my front door. With one last glance, I waved to the boy who leaned against his car. He waved back and I was in my house.

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