Chapter 8

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Bradley had spent the night with us watching Netflix and eating junk food. They guys seemed to get along well. My head rested on Connor's shoulder as we finished an episode of Friends. It was one of my favorite tv shows. 

"I don't understand why you love this show so much." Rowan says munching on a handful of popcorn.

"It amazing and that is why," I laughed as I threw a pretzel at him. The rest of the night was filled with tv shows and movies. By the time it was 2 in the morning, everyone was gone and I was ready to pass out. I changed into my pj's and curled up into my blankets.

The next day I was up by noon. An Arctic Monkeys gray shirt hugged my torso perfectly and denim skinny jeans clung to my legs in a lovely manner. I walked over to my bathroom and fixed my hair by pulling the top half into a messy bun. While I walked out of my bathroom, I noticed that my window was open and blowing my deep purple curtins.

"Bradley did you open my window?" I asked the boy who was sat in front of his own.

"Maybe I did maybe I didn't." He laughed. I held back the urge to join him to show that I could stand my ground. "Anyways I wanted to hang out."

"Ok," I shrugged it was Saturday and I didn't have any plans.

"Meet me outside." Brad pushed his window shut as I did the same. I ran down the stairs. Bri sat in the kitchen eating on a sandwich

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