chapter 7

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On our way home yesterday, Brighton had invited Connor over for our Harry Potter movie marathon tomorrow. It was one of our traditions as we neared winter and Christmas. It was only November, but it was the perfect time.

Part of me wanted to invite Bradley, but I didn't know how I felt about him anymore.

I didn't even see him yesterday after school. Normally, we would have our window chat and work on homework together. I would always help him with his Pre-Calc work and he would help me with my English assignments. Yesterday was the first time in the past week that that didn't happen.

Today was honestly just the same. During music, him, Connor, and I briefly talked and that was it. Luckily, today Charlie and him weren't at the bleachers making out. However, Tristan did sit with Connor and I. It was nice and we had a really good conversation about music and concerts we've all been to.

Somehow I ended up inviting him over for tomorrow too.

Honestly, if someone last week had told me that Tristan Evans and I would be hanging out outside of school, I wouldn't have believed them. Tristan was fine, don't get me wrong. He was nice to me and vice versa, but he had always been just a school friend. The person your chill with at school, but could never really see yourself being around them in any other circumstance.

I was sat in my room trying to watch The Proposal. Even though I had seen the movie plenty of times and could probably quote some of the scenes, I couldn't bring myself to focus on it. My eyes kept drifting to my closed curtains. Maybe if I opened them, he would be there, waiting to talk to me. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to warn him about Charolette, but I didn't know how.

After sitting on my thoughts for a good five minutes, I finally pushed myself off of my bed and pulled open my navy curtains. The first thing I noticed as his sheets on his bed were messed up. Maybe he was there.

Biting down on my lip, I turned to look around my room. I needed something to throw at his window. I didn't know if we had popcorn kernels like he did. Finally, my eyes landed on the jar of beads I had left over from my obsession with bracelet making last year. Grabbing the beads from off my desk, I opened it and picked out a decent sized red one.

I threw it at his window and it tapped the glass before falling on the ground between our houses. I'll just pick them up tomorrow, I thought as I threw a second one. Just as I was about to throw a third red bead, Bradley was at his window.

"Hey stranger." He flashed me one of his heart warming smiles.

"Hey yourself, where were you yesterday?" I cut to the chase. I needed to get this out on the table because I knew that if I waited any longer I would just get more irritated with him.

He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. How could he have forgotten that he missed our routine? Was I really that forgettable to him?

"I didn't see you here yesterday like normal. I thought you could help me on my compare contrast assignment for Lit." I explained. I hated explaining it. It felt like I was his nagging girlfriend, which I didn't want to be. That was now Charlie's job.

"Oh yeah," he sighed. His arms crossed over his chest as he leaned against the frame of his window. "I was out on a date with Charlie from school. Do you know Charlie?"

I noticed the soft smile on his lips as he answered my question. How could he be so fond of that witch already? She was awful and he was falling for her stupid facade. I knew it would hurt his feelings if I answered truthfully, but I also didn't want to not tell him how I honestly felt.

"Yeah." I paused trying to find the right words. "But I don't think she's someone you'll want around."

He shifted a little as his light hearted smile dropped. "What do you mean?"

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