It's time to leave!

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#Not edited

Lou's POV:
"Babe please find out my headphones! I don't remember where I left them!" Trina rushed herself to the bed and searched for her headphones under the pillows.

"Just stay calm babe! I'll find out. You pack your other stuffs."

Finally, the day has come! The day for my friends to depart! How good it would be if we stay together! But not everything goes on the way we wish! I started my search and found out her headphones on the couch. She exclaimed in Joy like a kid! She packed everything and was all ready to leave the town! The thought of my besties leaving brought a little sadness inside! I rewind the memories I had with them in this summer vacation. Trina waved her hand in front of me.

"Babe!" She hugged me tight. "I'm gonna miss you badly. But I promise to stay with you through the phone! I'll make sure we text everyday! Love you my cutie pie!"

"Gonna miss you too dumbo! Hope to see you soon!"

We carried the bags and went downstairs. Mom was busy helping Josh to pack up. No matter how old he gets, my mom would treat him like a kid! And this guy, he put me in shock when he said he's leaving to New York! Mom and dad was happy to the core when they heard the news that he's​ got a job at NY. Well, I was happy too but the truth that he won't stay with us made me upset! But I'm used to this kind of feeling! This was how I felt when he went to college. So I made up my mind that I would feel better!

"All set to leave? I'm done with my packing!" Jake interrupted.

He walked towards me and threw his arms around me and whispered into my ears!

"It's time to leave sweetheart! I know you're gonna miss me! I feel the same too! But I swear we'll stay in touch! And promise me you won't cry like a baby this time!"

Yeah, that's true! I cried like a stupid girl last time when they left. This habit hasn't changed since childhood! This time I don't feel like crying. Maybe I've changed! We parted away and I messed his hair and winked at him. He let out a little sigh and then set his hair again! It's time to bade bye to my brother! I moved towards the place he was standing. He was busy checking if he's packed everything! He found me standing and moved his eyes from the baggages! I poked at his torso! And heard him say how he's gonna miss mom, dad and me.

"Stay safe moron! Come over here when you get time! I'll try not to miss you!" I hugged him and he placed a kiss at my temple. Suddenly my phone vibrated.The screen popped Becca's name. I let go off Josh's grip!

"Hi Bec! What's up!?"

"Well, Stacy and I thought of hanging out and then do some shopping before the college starts! Its been a long time! So, I just called to ask you at what time I shall pick you up?"

"Umm, actually I can't come Bec! My friends are leaving today. So we gotta drop them at airport. You guys carry on. Maybe I'll join you some other day!"

"Alright, Lou! Then we'll catch up later! Have a good time! Bye!"

"Have a great time! Bye." We ended the call.

Everyone hugged each other and bade goodbyes! Josh and Nate shared a look through which they conveyed something that we couldn't understand! Maybe they've become too close! I looked and Jake and Trina but they just shrugged stating they were innocent about it! Nate drove us to the airport and we had a group hug, personal hugs and then few kisses in the air. Then we returned from the airport after dropping them! Everyone was amazed at me for not crying while they leave. Except Nate as he's unaware of the fact that I cry!

Nate made a phonecall and informed dad that we dropped them safe at airport! And he added that we'll be home soon! Throughout the travel neither of us spoke. It was total silence and we reached home. He parked the car at his driveway.

"Mom said she wants to meet you, Lou! She was asking if you could join us today for lunch!" He said in an awkward tone that didn't suit him well. "So, are you free this afternoon!?"

I chuckled at the way he was reacting. He gave me a confused look at the way I reacted. I made my face look normal with a smile.

"I'm coming Nate! Why are you being so formal? This doesn't suit you man!"

"Alright ma'am! Just come in!"

He led me inside his home. It was the same from the last time I visited. This is the second time I'm visiting. Ms.Smith encountered me with a huge smile on her face and then we embraced each other. She asked about how I was doing and some normal stuffs and then Nate brought my favorite chocolate muffins!

"I prepared them this morning with the hope you would come dear! You guys have fun! I've got work at kitchen! See you later darling." She left us alone in the living room having our favorite muffins​. I texted mom informing that I was at Nate's place for lunch.

"So, who rang you up in the morning?"

"Yeah! That was Becca! Stacy and she planned to hang out along with me and do some shopping it seems. But as we had to drop our guys, I asked them to carry on."

"Oh! Then maybe we can do some shopping tomorrow! I too needed to go on a shopping." He looked at me hoping to say yes through his eyebrows raised in enthusiasm.

"I would love to! That too shopping with you for the first time! How can I say no!? I've never gone shopping with a boy before! Even dad and Josh used to refuse to join us in shopping! I guess you're the first male to join me in shopping and I'd like to experience it! You gotta bear with me mate! Get yourself prepared!"

He chuckled at the creepy way I blabbered. Later, I felt stupid for talking to him like that! He would've thought that I'm a total jerk! I looked at him and he was busy searching for something and then took the remote of the television and switched it on! He was watching some series that was telecasted! I wonder if boys would watch series too!

I felt something hard on my neck. I was immobile at the current situation. I tried hard to open my eyes but then failed. I heard someone speak in a hushed tone. I could hardly recognize what they spoke! And then heard something​ like 'don't they look cute together!?' which sounded feminine. 'Of course! They remind me of us in our college days! They look just like us!' a male voice replied to the previous statement! I'm unaware of what they're talking or even whom they're talking about! Before I could recognize what it was all about I dozed off!

Thanks everyone for reading! Hope you liked the chapter. Vote and comment if you like it. Thanks again! Have a good day!

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