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#not edited

Lou's POV:
                    It's been a week since college reopened. Had an amazing vacation with my friends and some funny shopping with Nate, a couple of weeks ago. Surprisingly he joined my college and my course too! Things have been going good with my friends in college. Bec, Stace and Nate have become good friends too. Everything feels like a dream. But it's real and I just love this life. It's final year and we've been assigned with projects and stuffs. It's become a routine with works and assignments.

We reached college and stepped out of the car. From day one, Nate ride me to college. Bec and Stacy would join us rarely. We were late today and started running to class. My phone started vibrating, I know it would be either Bec or Stace! I didn't pick up the phone and finally reached our class. But we found our class vacant, none was there. This time Nate's phone vibrated and he picked up. He said few 'ok' and 'we'll be there.'

"Mr. Patrick's on leave and we gotta head to library!"

"This is not fair! I prepared for my seminar today and he's on leave!" I sulked.

We started walking towards the library.

"That's quite bad, but still we have one whole hour to read our favourite books! And the best part is we have one more hour of him today!"

That made me feel better! It's been a while since I read novels that aren't prescribed. It's just been a week and we're held up with too many works. Probably it's time to relax, I thought.

"That sounds really great!" He smiled.

"So what have you planned to read? Decided?" He asked with his brow raised.

I just shrugged. I used to read chicken soup when I want to feel relaxed and better. But today I wanted to read something that I've already read and something good! I started thinking and it hit me! As I was about to say, he found what I had in mind and we ended up telling the title of the book in unison.

"The fault in our Stars!" We exclaimed in joy.

We laughed at the way we shouted. Though it's a tragedy, I love reading the book over and over again. Stace never liked me reading tragic stories often.

We reached library and found Bec and Stace sitting in a corner and reading something. I went to the fiction section and took my favourite novel. I searched for Nate and found him sitting next to Bec. I pointed out the novel to him.

"What did you pick?" I whispered.

"You're favourite novel!" He whispered back.

I gave him a puzzled look, not knowing what book he had as he kept it in a way that I couldn't look at the book.

"It's Me before you Lou!"

I nudged him! We both don't have similar interests! And he never liked tragedy, especially romantic tragedy. But this one is exceptional. He watched the movie first, that too out of my wish!  Probably now he's interested in reading the book too!

We started reading till the hour ended. I was half way done, so I planned to complete it in the afternoon free hour. Nate was too much into the book that he didn't even notice the time.

"It's almost time, Nate! We gotta go!"

He looked at me and then at his watch. He nodded and we replaced our books and headed out of the library.

"I've told you not to read tragedy often. You read this book just before the vacation! And it's the nth time I'm watching you reading this book! What's so interesting in tragedy that you re-read it again and again, Lou!?" Stacy asked.

"I don't have the perfect answer to your question, Stace! But I love reading it! I don't read it because it's tragedy, I just love it and so I read it." I smiled.

She shrugged and we walked to our class.

The last two hours were filled with lectures. But they weren't that boring. We headed to the cafeteria to have some lunch. I bought my favourite Mexican sandwich; Bec, chicken noodles; and Stace, her favourite pasta. Nate bought​ a sandwich and a Coke.

We had one more hour which we've to spend in library. And to which we had our plans! Bec and Stace decided to leave after lunch. They said they had some work at home. So we rushed to library soon after the break was over.
I completed my book and waited for Nate to complete his. We headed back to the parking lot after reading.

"Can we hang out somewhere? It's just 2pm, we can go home after a while. We don't have any work today! So it'll be boring at home for sure." Nate said.

"Or how about some movie time? And a walk in the evening?"

"Uhh...No Lou. That's something that we do every weekend! We can go on a long drive at least! Is that ok?"

"This sounds perfect! A long drive with our favourite songs. And then we'll have our Irish coffee at some Cafe!?"


Thanks for reading! I know it wasn't that good! I'm hoping to give my best! Will meet you with a better chapter next time! And sorry for this late post!

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