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Religion is an easy target for the so-called atheists in India.  

So-called because they are jokers [because they are only mock-atheists - they are selective in which religions they mock] and are allergic only to the most tolerant of religions but not to the most intolerant. 

It seems it is okay to mock Hindu gods and customs with impunity; strange that this mockery is rarely extends to religions with a rabid vocal section, ready to hack to death and lynch those who dare to write anything deemed blasphemy.

In a secular nation, blasphemy laws seem a contradiction - why should there be exceptions made for any religion, minority or otherwise?

Is it a wonder that the term 'pseudo-secular'  is applied to this vote-bank hypocrisy?

There is no liberal outcry or outrage - when freedom of speech is directed against particular sections.  

The jokers who write mocking posts against Hindu gods in the name of freedom of speech - why are they silent when a youth is in fear of being stoned to death and lynched by a mob, just for posting something that is insulting to a particular religion - known as the religion of peace? 

Why are there no 'notinmyname' protests from the liberal members of the religion of peace?

It has been said that they are 'fiberal' rather than liberal - as the freedom of speech they deem to be true reeks of falsehood - they diagnose only some particular religions of being worthy of the suffix '-ophobia' and to hell with the rest. 

There is no international coverage or human rights activism, when Hindus are made the target of vicious attacks. 

The plight of Kashmiri Pundits, the genocides in areas over-run by islamists? 

There is rarely any outcry.

This is not surprising - it is on record but such historical facts are shoved under the carpet, the  communists put aside their allergy to religion in the partnerships they forged with intolerant creeds and predatory neighbours, in their pursuit to de-stabilise.

History is repeating itself.

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