Beautiful Mind

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Jumping from  thought to thought, from feeling to feeling - the ancient Indian sages well understood the essential nature of  mind [manas]!

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Jumping from thought to thought, from feeling to feeling - the ancient Indian sages well understood the essential nature of mind [manas]!

The yogis systematised several methods of introspection and self-control to harness the potential of this nimble ape that is the human mind.

Hindu epics - like the Ramayana- embed deep psychological insights in the situations and characters, making them relatable to the learned as well as the mass-mind.

Take for example Valmiki's description of Hanuman's mission to find Sita in Lanka.

The Vanara's mind soars from enthusiatic energy and then plunges into dejection by the obstacles he encounters - until clarity is restored through a positive attitude.

Therefore he is also known as Manojavam [quick in thought and apprehension]!

Right on point of entry, Hanuman confronts his mind when faced with the enormity of the task at hand:

भूताश्चार्था विपद्यन्ते देशकालविरोधिताः |
विक्लबं दूतमासाद्य तमः सूर्योदये यथा || ५-२-३९

"With a mediator who has an unsteady and gloomy mind working against time and place, tasks that are otherwise ready to succeed get harmed, like the darkness that gets destroyed at dawn".

अर्थानर्थान्तरे बुद्धिर्निश्चितापि न शोभते |
घातयन्ति हि कार्याणि दूताः पण्डितमानिनः || ५-२-४०

"Even a decided mind will not shine when thinking about gain and loss. Mediators who are respected by scholarly people will also harm tasks due to their arrogance."


Sundara Kanda is one of the most beautiful chapters in the Ramayana - we are shown all the lustful luxuries of lustrous Lanka and how deftly Hanuman shape-shifts himself to deal with this tempting but treacherous terrain, while maintaining his integrity.

This is agility of mind - to adapt to circumstances as necessary.

His self-defence against the violent female guardian of Lanka- as are his earlier encounters with the demons on his journey - is decisive, restrained and with appropriate force.

Another example is when he observes the detachment and reasoning of his mind when searching the erotic harem of Ravana for the wherabouts of Sita:

कामम् दृष्ट्वा मया सर्वा विश्वस्ता रावण स्त्रियः || ५-११-४०
न तु मे मनसः किंचिद् वैकृत्यम् उपपद्यते |

"All Ravana's women who were in faith could have been seen by me; to my mind there indeed was not even a little disturbance"

मनो हि हेतुः सर्वेषाम् इन्द्रियाणाम् प्रवर्तते || ५-११-४१
शुभ अशुभास्व् अवस्थासु तच् च मे सुव्यवस्थितम् |

"Among auspicious or inauspicious states in the behavior of all senses mind is the reason. By that mind is very steady."

न अन्यत्र हि मया शक्या वैदेही परिमार्गितुम् || ५-११-४२
स्त्रियो हि स्त्रीषु द्ऱ्श्यन्ते सदा सम्परिमार्गणे |

"By me it is not possible to search Seetha at another place. Always during search women will be seen among other women."

When Hanuman fails to find Sita in the many locations he has searched, his mind begins to wallow in the gloomiest consequences he can think of - how will he face Rama and the rest of his tribe who have trusted in his competence?

Then  speedier than the wind [he is also praised therefore as Maarutatulyavegam ], he lifts his spirits with the following insights:

अनिर्वेदः श्रियो मूलम् अनिर्वेदः परम् सुखम् |

अनिर्वेदो हि सततम् सर्व अर्थेषु प्रवर्तकः || ५-१२-१०

Not being despondent is the basis of positive and happy outcomes.

Not being despairing is crucial in the progress of all matters

करोति सफलम् जन्तोः कर्म यच् च करोति सः |

तस्माद् अनिर्वेद क्ऱ्तम् यत्नम् चेष्टे अहम् उत्तमम् || ५-१२-११
अदृष्टामः च विचेष्यामि देशान् रावण पालितान् |

Whatever the action, it is made to be successful by not despairing.

Hence will I make my best effort together with this spirit and will search all areas in Ravana's kingdom that I have not yet seen.


Thus in a very beautiful manner we see how the beautiful mind of Hanuman undertakes his mission to find the stolen Sita.

Perhaps it gives us insights as to how we too may cultivate the right attitude find what has been stolen from our minds by the glittering world around us!

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