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(a/n: i'll check my errors later.....please bear with it for a while)

When Catherine went home that day she was donning her new hairstyle.

Walking down their living room she stopped in front of the antique mirror hanged on top of the fireplace serving as a decoration. Black hair fresh from the salon, upturned cat's eye that could intimidate anyone with one glance, modest nose, natural red lips and with the small beauty mark under her right eye, Catherine was satisfied that she look more like a villain.

"Ohohoho" Catherine tried laughing with her head slightly upturned with her right hand raised near her mouth to complete the infamous ojou-sama laugh done by every villain she'd read. "Perfect! I am now on my way to perfect villainy, ohohoho" she declared to herself, enjoying her villainy laugh.

"Sweetie, I know you enjoy admiring yourself but can't you please don't digress into a mad woman I don't want my cute daughter to be crazy" Catherine turned to the entrance and saw her father who is giving her a worried look.

"Good evening father, you did not enter into the illegal drug trade right? You did not slice someone with a katana right? You did not cheat on mother right?" she asked immediately, inquiring if her father started taking the path to darkness.

"Catherine! What kind of nonsense are you asking your father!" Catalina who just came in immediately berated Catherine.

"It's okay Catalina, Catherine was just joking with me, right?" Catherine gave a tight smile and nodded at her father.

"But what did you do with your beautiful hair?" Catalina, glared at Catherine's hair

"I changed it mother, it's a sign for a good ojou-sama" when Catalina heard the magic word 'ojou-sama' she seems to have calmed down a bit.

"well, it does seems to suit you" Catherine came to learn through trial and error that if she do things ojou-sama like her mother will accept it but if she do things unlady-like her mother will blew her fuse and will lecture her for hours and hours about how a lady should conduct herself. "Well such hair style was actually once worn by Marie Antoinette so I guess it's okay" she mentally did a happy dance

"Whoa, what happened with your hair?" Kana inspected Catherine's hair when she came to school that morning "It looks......curly..."

"Isn't it? I found this book in the student council and decided to change my hair like this. So what do you think? Do I look like a villain like this?" Catherine sat with her back straight, she cross her legs and placed her hands on her lap, slightly turning her head upwards and raising a brow "You dare to talk with me in such a familiar manner? Who gave you the permission to be this close to me?" she ask Kana in a prideful manner.

"Wow!" Kana said with a clap, she relaxed her stance and look at her expectantly "That gave me the shivers, you look evil" I smiled in glee

"Really? Evil? Evil? Can I pass now as a villainess?"

"You already look like one. Anyway, what's with your obsession with being a villainess? You know Catherine I am starting to worry about your future" Kana said worriedly.

"Don't worry Kana, I am also worrying about my future daily" her father seems to be avoiding her when she started lecturing him about how to treat his subordinates and on how to take revenge on rivals in a legal way. She need to think of another strategy to never let her father take the evil path

The friends are chatting normally that they did not even noticed that the atmosphere in their room had changed. When Catherine had acted like a haughty ojou-sama everyone was entranced as if they are seeing someone new.

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now