the uncovered truth 2

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(a/n: another week of tortur...i mean school. This will be the last extra for this month.)

(after chapter 17)

"you're not needed here Takano" i look at the blazing blue eyes of Clyde Bradshaw. His entire body is emitting hate and it's all directed at me as he stands in front of Catherine. "if you're worried about my sister i could perfectly take care of her"

"take care of her? Don't you have a Meeting at ten? You can leave Catherine in my capable hands" i said casually and just as i expected he remains passive and his eyes never revealed any other emotion. As expected of the guard dog he is a tough one.

"the meeting is cancelled so i could perfectly take care of Catherine without asking for help"

"i see. I guess i should just observe you then. Maybe i could get some pointers if ever Catherine got sick again in the future and you won't be there anymore to look after her"

"rest assured that i will make sure that Catherine will never get sick again so you don't have to observe"

"unfortunately your words hold no bearing since you will be long gone once you graduate. Ah......don't worry since i have plans to look after Catherine i will ensure that she stays healthy"

"graduate? I might not be physically there to look after my sister but i have my ways Takano. So since you don't have anything to do here the door is just a few steps behind you"

"i have something to do here and that is to stay by her side so forget about getting rid of me, it won't work"

"ah.....but i already get rid of 'Zero' from her life"

"well Zero is bound to disappear from her sooner and later and your action just made it more convenient"

"hmmm...." we immediately rush to Catherine's side when she suddenly let out a sound and before we know it she started trashing under the covers while crying. "it's stuffy!! It's hot!! It's uncomfortable!!!!" My eyes open wide when she started unbuttoning her pajama top so i immediately hold her hand to stop her.

"cat, stop" i grab her soft hands that are hot from the fever to stop her attempt when something fly of in my direction. I feel a sting in my cheek, i am positive that whatever this sting is, its due to Clyde's doing.

"take your filthy hands of my sister Takano"

"ahhhh!!!!!" Catherine suddenly opened her eyes. Her green eyes that is starting to turn gray focused on me, i feel a tug inside of me as her tear stained face and green eyes look at me in helplessness. Then to my surprise she wound her arms around my body and cling to me real tight "my head hurts, i feel uncomfortable. Make it go away" she pleads to me. I am about to place my arm around her to give her comfort when she was suddenly snatched away from me. It took me a great amount of control not to scowl at Clyde when he took Catherine.

"'s okay Catherine" he held her protectively as he wipes her tears. "brother will make everything alright" as if it's some kind of an elixir Catherine stopped from crying as her eyes started to droop until she finally succumb to sleep.

After ensuring that Catherine is comfortable Clyde stand up and look at me. And like always his whole being just irritates me. Ah.......he's a pain in the ass to deal with.

(behind the scene, chapter 24)

Remembering that incident i can't help but scoff at what happened that day. Clyde really is not someone i could easily take down. The only saving grace is that he is now far from here.

Getting rid of him is not easy feat. The whole school is under the palm of his hands and i know that whatever move i make will be useless against him. It's not because he's above me but because we stand on the same level and i am sure he too had noticed that. During our first meeting i already know that handling Clyde will be a pain. He's like a rabid dog when he's protecting Catherine but he is domesticated when he's in her presence making it harder to separate the two

After the incident during summer i change my whole plan involving him. I remain in the shadows, acting only when needed and only making moves when it is a must. Since he's still in the academy any move i make will only lead into a stalemate. It would only lead into a battle of counters, a useless and meaningless fight with no winner or loser. A total waste of resources.

"hmmmm" Catherine stirred from her sleep and she look at me sleepily then she turn to my side and sleep near me.

Sitting with my back leaning on the head board i slightly brush the stray hair that falls on her face.

"stop making me worry" i whisper as i held her hand before giving it a kiss. i smile when she snuggled closer. I look at the clock on her bedside table and sigh "it's time" i bent down and gave her a peck on her lips before caressing it lightly. I make our forehead touch as i close my eyes, tightening my hold on her hand before letting it go. "be prepared Catherine" i kiss her forehead before i reluctantly move away from her warmth as i stand by her bed. Uncle Jirou returned a while ago and i am sure that he will flip over when he saw me coming out from Catherine's room.

I move to walk outside of her room then i look back at the sleeping form of Catherine before closing the door behind me. It's finally time to face the music.

Author: why did you reveal that you kiss thief!!!??? I'm done Clyde will kill me T_T

Ryuuji: better prepare a coffin then, since i don't intend that one to be the last.

Author: (╥_╥) i'm done for........

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now