Treinta y Seis

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(a/n: i am so stressed out with my exams.......and this is the result of me venting it out. *sigh* i don't know if i could survive this hellish nightmare until next week)

"mmm" I look at Ryuuji who is checking the reports I just finished. After that surprising incident in the student council office I have no more recollection on how he managed to pull me out of the room. My mind is in a chaotic mess because of his sudden chuckle and gorgeo—I mean terrifying smile. When I came to my senses his car is already pulling in front of their palace he calls home.

Once inside their study I was glad that he's in his full work mode because I feel more at ease when he's like this plus I am more familiar with this attitude of his than what he had shown a while ago. Seeing a playful Ryuuji is not good for my heart!

"this are all good" I breathe out a sigh of relief, we had been working on those papers since three in the afternoon and we finally managed to finish it. "come" he stood up and look at me "I already ask the maids to prepare dinner, although it's already late"

"hmmmm" I said lazily, truth to be told I don't feel hungry right now what my body needs is a long soak in the tub with all those hot water surrounding my tired body. Just imagining the scene is enough for me slump deeper on the table if that is possible

"stop procrastinating"

"I know" even though I said that I still move at a slower pace.

"cat, if you don't get up from that chair I will personally carry you to the dining area" i look at him in inquiry. He's not actually going to do it right? "suit yourself cat" I jumped out of my seat when I notice the familiar glint in his eyes, it was the same glint when he teased me back in the student council office so I am positive that he will act on what he just said. "hmmm" don't look so disappointed!!! Ahhh!!! What's wrong with you king????

"le-let's go eat" I gave out a nervous laugh and I immediately head outside not caring whether I knew where i should be going. looking around the room I try to figure out where the dining area is, seeing three doors, I immediately head out to the one on my left.

"cat, that's the way to the garden" Ryuuji called me before I could reach the door

"I, I know I was just thinking of taking some fresh air" he look at me in amusement and I feel like shouting the king is acting weird!!!!!!!!

"if you like we could dine in the garden" I almost said yes but after thinking for a while I fervently shake my head in denial. Dining in the garden under the moon and the stars?! Heck that seems like a date! No way!

"who's dining in the garden?!" for the first time in my life I am glad that this person suddenly butted in "you're here again?" Raijin pointed a finger at me

"hello brother Raijin" I said in my sweetest voice and I relaxed when I see him shiver and winced at me. ah there's no better treat than to see Raijin like this. it's like having a younger brother whom you loves to tease because his reactions are just so cute. Though in this case Raijin is older than me and his reactions are not cute but amusing

"please don't call me with that word"

"but Catherine like to call brother Raijin, brother" I said cutely with loads of sugar that I almost laugh out loud when Raijin turn green

"Ryuuji take that malicious girl out of our house!!" he glare at my direction.

"brother Raijin, Catherine is sad" I even gave him a pout and he looks like he's about to pass out

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now