Cincuenta y dos

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"Catherine" Kana called my brother yesterday to inform them that I will be staying at their home. That morning brother came to escort me back home. "are you okay?" I nodded "it's okay, I'll talk with father, everything will be alright" I did not respond, instead I just close my eyes.

"Catherine, you're back" father immediately went to hug me but I side stepped "Catherine" father uttered in a shocked and sad tone. Father's voice affected me but I steeled myself to ignore him as my own protest against his decision regarding the engagement.

"father, mother I'm home" I gave a nod to greet them.

"Catherine, study" seeing mother's serious face I quietly followed the three of them inside. I was startled when it was mother who went to take the seat while father remain behind mother when it was usually the other way around. Brother stood in the corner and I stood in front of my parents. "the announcement last night came as a surprise to the most of us and I am positive that right now you feel bad at us for not telling that we have such plan in mind" I flinch at mother's words because she nailed it in the head. "to be honest I don't want to subject you to this kind of farce because I believe in the freedom of the heart. Though I seldom tease you about matters such as these, taking action and teasing is a different thing. But your father, had taken it upon his hands to set this engagement with Fujishirou"

"I......I was tricked by Fujishirou to enter into an agreement which centers to your engagement with his second son, Ryuuji"


"don't focus on that right now. Catherine, your father was given the information a month ago that your engagement will be announced during the party but your father decided by himself to conceal such information thereby making us a complete ignorant of what is happening." I saw how father flinch at mother's every statement "Your engagement had been announced in public, although we've managed to make the information isolated within the guests it also ensures that we cannot easily dissolved it just like that"

"y-you mean?" they want it to be dissolved

"since it cannot be dissolved at the moment, the engagement shall proceed. Right now, Catherine, this information shall stay within our circle so you won't have a problem."

"I understand" even though I have to stay engage with Ryuuji it is a good news that no one had knowledge of it right now, I could still breathe a sigh of relief.

"brother, are you sure you still need to drive me to school?" brother had finally got his driver's license so right now he decided on his own to drive me to school before he go straight to his university.

"yes, I want to have a talk with the brat" when I look at brother I feel a chill on my spine, he's emitting a killing aura. Somehow, since the incident last Christmas I feel like i've gotten slightly mature and as a result I tend to understand some things that I don't pay attention to before.

After the incident father had been so careful in talking with me, it feels like he's warry of me, he had been paying attention my expressions and answers as if he's measuring on what kind of response he need to make though lately he's slowly regaining his usual self.

Mother is acting like her usual self but she had gotten stricter with me and as for brother, he had been dark and brooding ever since the party. I saw him in the dojo once and he was easily beaten by his opponents which is not a usual. Right now seeing brother's grim expression I already have an idea that he'll have another one of his confrontation with Ryuuji.

"cathe—" when Kana saw my brother she immediately about faced and run away from us.

"Cathe—" I saw President Jansen running towards us but he suddenly stopped and his expression became pale before he too imitated Kana and run away.

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now