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(a/n: i'm not sure if i should post this one or not but after much contemplation, i give you this.......i finished this chapter yesterday and i don't know if i delivered it correctly. this is my own firework happy new year)

"Catherine, there's a parcel here for you" Mason and I stopped our sparring session when Hugh went in holding up a box.

"who's it from?" I asked while I wipe the sweat off my face

"Leila Takano" my brows furrowed, I don't remember anything that I had done for auntie Leila to give me some package. I took the box from Hugh that is about the size of a two foot ruler in height and width. I tore the brown paper covering it and when the contents came into viewed a familiar clothing boutique logo is embossed on the box.

"AQUARHIANE, isn't that the label that have been causing an uproar in the fashion community because of its high end dresses" I look at Alexie in shock, how come you're so knowledgeable on this kind of things! Even the thing in Leotopia back then! "mistress have been stacking up their dresses in your wardrobe for this past month" my mouth open wide in surprise so that's why my closet have been full with dresses lately. I sigh before lifting up the cover and a mint green cloth is lying inside, when I lift it up I find it to be a mint green tube top dress in sweetheart neckline

"this is????"

"there's a card" Mason picked it up and gave it to me. I took it and open the card

"invitation? Christmas party......" I read the address and the party will be held on the 25th at the Takano's residence.

"you going?"

"I don't know" I look at Gram who is leaning on the wall

"master and mistress are invited, they've already given their reply and you're all attending the gathering"

"then.....what's this?"

"that, I don't know" I scratch my head as I look into the dress what am I going to do with this.

"Jirou" my husband look at me after placing his gun on the table. Judging from his heated eyes and tensed shoulder's target shooting wouldn't cut out for him this time. I look at the rows of target papers in front and each of them were hit at the head and at the chest area some were even hit multiple times.

"it's not enough!!" i took out my phone and dialed Gram's number

"mistress" I continued to watch as Jirou loaded another gun

"where are the nearest airsoft center here?"

"ten kilometers north from where you are there is an airsoft center there that could perfectly cater master" Jirou had loaded two guns and he effortlessly fire them on the target as each bullet hits the head and the chest all in a perfectly lined manner.

"good. How's Catherine?" I received an e-mail from Clyde a while ago that he will be a week late because he had to help his professor. As for Catherine she's left alone at home having her usual routine while Jirou and I are still out of the country.

"good mistress, she's in perfect health and so far she didn't deviate from her usual routine. Though this morning she received a parcel from Mrs. Takano, the content is a dress"

"so Leila's working fast"


"continue to look at Catherine, Jirou and I will be returning this Monday. Give all reports that relates to my daughter to me, at all cost avoid contacting Jirou. He's in his dark mood right now and when he's in that mood.... you know what I mean Gram"

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now