the uncovered truth

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(a/n: i know you're waiting for an update and i'm sorry this isn't it. For those who were waiting please stretch your patience more guys. I am buried under my reports and my in coming finals. I can only make extras since they required a little amount of time to make compare to a full chapter......)

"is it necessary to do that?" i look at him before looking back at my laptop as the numbers started to dwindle down.

"yes, but it's not enough" i saw him sigh from my peripheral vision before he sat on his swivel chair. He took his glasses off and pinch the bridge of his nose before looking at me.

"Clyde planned their capture, Jirou is currently planning their groups annihilation and now you just pushed the dagger deeper by draining their accounts. Do you even plan to give me a little bit of revenge for what they did to my niece?"

"you can handle them in prison" he look at me innocently.

"now, now, Zero i never use my power as the chief of police to influence the penitentiary to bring those bastards down to the lowest level of hell, after all even if he planned my niece's kidnapping i still need to be fair" i ignored his words as i register the malice behind it "anyway, i better give you the heads up that Clyde and Jirou had learned of your existence. I am positive that Clyde will bar her from contacting you again" his words suddenly became devoid of any emotion but i know him. The glint in his eyes shows that he's expecting me to make some kind of reaction but i did not give him that.

"she already told me" i said blandly.

"guess your connection is over"

"who says it's over? It's just the beginning" i closed my laptop before standing.

"sometimes i hate that cockiness of yours" i just look at him

"i'll see you then, uncle Ichi" i slightly nod before walking out.

"are you sure that you will take care of him?" i nodded as i receive Zero's things. he look at me suspiciously. "you hate troublesome things and our son is the very definition of that" his eyes squinted before he suddenly grin. "you fox! What are you planning?"

"you don't have to know"

" think i did not know that Catherine is with Zero this past few days" my lips twitch, i suddenly had this uncontrollable itch to smack him so that i could erase his smirk. "and did you seriously think that i will not learn about how you're telling my son to intercept any males around my niece?"

" do you have a problem with that?" i ask calmly but he just laugh

"how the mighty had fallen. So tell me why do you suddenly want to take care of Zero?" i sigh, judging from his expression looks like he would not stop until he got the answer that he want. So in order to make him go away i tell hom half of the truth. "'re really quite ruthless you won't even spare your friend"

"then, would you let your friend to touch your treasure?" i said as i turn my direction to his wife.

"fair enough but i must remind you. My son is not a love item nor is he a pawn"

"i know, after all Zero is the knight to protect the queen"

"tsk...tsk...tsk" he shake his head "i don't know if i should pity my niece or congratulate her"

"i don't see you making a move to stop me"

"true" he then smiled darkly "maybe because for some unknown reason it feels right" he turn back "take care of my son" he is nearly three meters away from me when he stop "by the way Ryuuji, i might not be doing anything to get in your way but it doesn't mean that my brother and nephew will just stand idly on the side."

i know no need to remind me. After all they had already expressed that when they banned her from contacting me. And the biggest problem is that the most troublesome of them is not her father. It's Clyde.

I unconsciously touch my left cheek where the faint scar is located as i remember his attack back then.


Catherine: i wonder if my guardian angel is looking after me today.

Author: it's not an angel it's a fox and a mochi ball

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now