the Feline panic

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(a/n sorry it's short. This transpired during and after 52. See you on the next updates.
P.s this was made using the wattpad app so im not sure with how the format will show when you're reading on your pc)

"this is an emergency meeting!!!!!!"

"the issue right now involves the whole class!"

" Meirin why are you the one presiding? Isn't it supposed to be Kana" everyone looked in my direction

"Meirin can handle it" i said to them, though honestly i don't even know what this emergency meeting is all about.

"okay, with that we will now proceed to our agendum and that is" i flinched when Meirin hit the board "to find out the reason why miss Catherine is avoiding the King" i almost choked myself with my own saliva when i heard her "currently the king had been on the edge lately because of miss catherine"

"i agree the tension in the room when the two of them are together is too much. Even the teachers are being affected"

"if this continues the king might go on a rampage" i continued to listen in shock "the class's safety might be in peril!"

"that's why we need to know the problem so we could help in the background! Anyone who has an idea?" as if i am carrying a magnet everyone's gaze were thrown in my direction. Of course i know the reason but i made a promise to keep it secret so sorry guys I'm keeping quiet this time.

w-what's this?" she pointed at the paper bag

"cookies, mother bought them for you as a souvenir" she look at the paper bag with suspicion before she finally took it.

Catherine had been running away from me for this past few weeks and i just let her do what she wants. Though i can't help but tease her by constantly calling her to me and suddenly appearing by her side when she's not paying attention. Her startled expressions and wary look is just so interesting.

However, even though i understood her reason for running away it has to end. This is not the right time to spoil her, at most it is the opportune time to attack while she's too aware of me.

Judging from her drunken confessions and her past e-mails she will surely back five steps away from me when we reach high school.

"cat, accompany me in the meeting with the board" i went out of the room without checking whether she's following me or not. I turn down to the left wing and stop. I stood there with my arms crossed on my chest while waiting for cat. Hearing her light footsteps getting closer in my direction I immediately grab her arm. I push her on the wall, leaning my two hands beside her head, completely trapping her. "playtimes over cat" I said in a serious tone.

Dug......dug.....dug......dug.......I am literally drowning in the hard and loud beating of my heart. Looking at Ryuuji's face this close and being trapped under his intense gaze is giving me a heart attack. God it feels like a horse race is being held inside my heart
"play times over cat" i almost curse my heart when it went crazy after Ryuuji said those words. This is bad, this is really bad! I need to get away from here!

 This is bad, this is really bad! I need to get away from here!

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"t-the me-meet...."

"we have enough time" he let out a sigh "how long do you plan to keep on running away from me cat?" 


"we're already engaged, there's no running away from me"

"but it's only temporary" i averted my gaze

"yes it's temporary but right now we're still engage"

"precisely" i said in a weak voice

"but it doesn't change anything"

"it changes everything!" i snapped

"everything? Cat, in our case engagement is merely word devoid of it's meaning" i look at him in wonderment when the meaning of his words finally reach the recesses of my brain. Yes! Yes! He's right there's really no real engagement! This thing is only temporary. I can finally breath in relie.....i remain in place as Ryuuji finally retracted his hands. I watch as he stood in front of me in his usual cold and compose manner. Yes, the engagement issue is finally set aside but it doesn't change the fact that Ryuuji is Zero and that Zero had knowledge of my villainy plan! Well some of them but........oh no! This is still bad!

"done with your thinking Cat?" i gave Ryuuji and utter look of helplessness as i lament in my misery. Really why did i tattle my plan to play cupid by bullying the heroine to make the latter catch the king's heart? Stupid me!

"y-you are y-you really Zero?"

"are you disappointed?" a little bit!

"n-not really"



"your king"

"h-huh??" why is he suddenly raising this?? When he started to get closer i reflexively took a step back but suddenly i realized that i am cornered since i backed on the wall. "R-Ryuuji??" my eyes open wide when he leaned closer to me more than a while ago and when his face descended i tightly closed my eyes, i could feel the blood rushing through my head and hear the erratic and loud pounding of my heart.

" cat" i flinch when his hot breath touches my sensitive ear "you know your king prefers the feline than the drug" when his warmth left mine and i heard his retreating steps i finally open my eyes. Clutching my chest i slowly slide down the floor, my strength had finally left me as i continue to watch Ryuuji's retreating back in the distance. And for the first time i realized that i am now precariously hanging on a cliff.

author: i could understand the feline but what's with the drug?

Ryuuji: *looking in pity" pathetic *walks away*

Author: what? What did i do wrong?

Kana: author Heroine=heroin=drug

Author: *feeling enlightened* ooh......

i reincarnated as a villainess, so what?! (unedited and on hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now